公共政策社會科學碩士課程 香港中文大學政治與行政學系

科目編號: MPUP5331
學年: 2022 - 2023
課程名稱: 政府與經濟

Professor Mark Charles MICHELSON

時間: Mo 06:45PM - 09:30PM
地點: WMY_408

The course identifies and analyzes the objectives and policies developed and pursued by the Government in managing the economy and how these policies are implemented to achieve the objectives. It will explore the Government's assumptions and approach to the economy and economic development, as well as monetary, fiscal, industrial, trade and investment policies.  The Hong Kong Government serves as the primary case example, particularly the Financial Secretary's office, the HK Monetary Authority and Bureaus of Commerce and Economic Development and Financial Services and the Treasury.