心血管、代謝疾病及中風護理科研專題小組的使命是透過概念性及具影響力的研究,拓展與心血管、代謝疾病及中風護理相關的知識及創新方案 ,從而改善心血管及代謝健康,以及中風後的康復成效。
- 應對心腦血管疾病患者或高危人士的護理需求;
- 提升中風病人及其照顧者的病情管理知識、技巧及信心,以促進康復進度和改善健康相關生活質素;及
- 制訂有效策略助代謝综合症患者進行非藥物治療及減低心血管疾病風險,以及助糖尿病患者調整生活模式。

Professor LO Hoi Shan, Suzanne (Convener)

Professor CHAIR Sek Ying
副院長(研究)/ 教授

Professor CHAU Pak Chun, Janita

Professor CHAN Wai Kiu, Aileen
副教授 (護理學專業應用)

Professor TAM Hon Lon, Alan

Dr. ZANG Yuli, Amy
項目名稱 | 撥款來源 | 首席研究員 | 項目年期 |
Improving work ability of young adults with stroke through personal resource building and inclusive volunteering: A randomised controlled trial | General Research Fund | LO Hoi Shan, Suzanne | 2022–2024 |
Effects of a social participation-focused virtual reality intervention on the physical, psychological and social outcomes of community-dwelling stroke survivors with physical disabilities: A randomised controlled trial | General Research Fund | CHAU Pak Chun, Janita | 2021–2023 |
Promoting community reintegration using narratives and skills building for young adults with stroke: A randomised controlled trial | Early Career Scheme | LO Hoi Shan, Suzanne | 2020–2023 |
Effects of a multidisciplinary team-led school-based human papillomavirus vaccination health-promotion programme (MDL-SHPVP) on improving vaccine acceptance and uptake among female adolescents: A cluster randomised controlled trial | General Research Fund | CHAU Pak Chun, Janita | 2020–2022 |
Feasibility of a novel ballet-inspired low-impact at-home workout programme to improve balance, gait and memory in adults with stroke: A mixed methods exploratory trial | Health and Medical Research Fund | LO Hoi Shan, Suzanne | 2020–2022 |
Promoting healthy ageing through light volleyball (LVB) promotion in Hong Kong and Mainland China | Research Impact Fund | CHAN Wai Kiu, Aileen | 2019–2023 |
The Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a virtual multidisciplinary stroke care clinic for community-dwelling stroke survivors and caregivers: A randomised controlled trial | Health and Medical Research Fund | CHAU Pak Chun, Janita | 2018–2021 |
A theory-based educational program to improve the cardiovascular health among Hong Kong Chinese post-menopausal women | General Research Fund | CHAIR Sek Ying | 2018–2021 |
"COMBO-KEY" (Coaching Ongoing Momentum Building On stroKe rEcovery journeY) - a home visiting and phone coaching programme to promote stroke survivors' recovery: A territory-wide project | Health Care and Promotion Fund | LO Hoi Shan, Suzanne | 2018–2021 |
The cost-effectiveness and effects of a music-paced physical activity intervention on clinical outcomes and physical activity maintenance of post-cardiac rehabilitation patients with coronary heart disease | Health and Medical Research Fund | CHAIR Sek Ying | 2017–2021 |
Effects of a social participation-focused virtual reality intervention on the physical, psychological and social outcomes of community-dwelling stroke survivors with physical disabilities: A randomised controlled trial, in collaboration with a faculty member from the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom |
Improving work ability of young adults with stroke through personal resource building and inclusive volunteering: A randomised controlled trial, in collaboration with a faculty member from the Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy, University of Southern California, United States |
Studied the effectiveness of a nurse-led temporal self-regulation theory-based programme on heart failure self-care, in collaboration with Dr. Jocelyn Chew from the National University of Singapore and Prof. David Sim from the National Heart Centre in Singapore |