- 提升人们在整个生命周期、尤其是在成年及老年阶段的身心健康;
- 为慢性身体/精神疾病患者制订创新的社会心理与家庭介入措施,并评估其成效;及
- 为身体和精神疾病引起的生活失能提供社区康复治疗。

Professor CHENG Ho Yu (Convener)

Professor CHIEN Wai Tong

Professor CHAN Yue Lai, Helen

Professor CHONG Yuen Yu, Connie

Professor HO Hok Man, Ken

Professor LAM Kam Ki, Stanley
项目名称 | 拨款来源 | 首席研究员 | 项目年期 |
FoStering psychosOcial weLl-being of family caregivers of stroke surVivors using Emotion-centred, problem-solving approach (SoLVE): A randomised controlled trial | General Research Fund | CHENG Ho Yu | 2022–2024 |
Effectiveness of Prosocial-orientated Acceptance and Commitment Training (PACT) programme for parents of children with special health care needs in response to outbreaks of novel infectious disease: A randomised controlled trial | Early Career Scheme | CHONG Yuen Yu, Connie | 2022–2024 |
Effect of acceptance and commitment therapy-based lifestyle counselling programme for people with early psychosis on physical activity: A pilot randomised controlled trial | Health and Medical Research Fund – Research Fellowship Scheme | CHONG Yuen Yu, Connie | 2021–2023 |
The loneliness of older adults being cared for by live-in migrant workers and their dyadic relationship: A mixed methods study | Faculty Development Scheme, Research Grants Council Competitive Research Funding Schemes for the Local Self-financing Degree Sector 2020/21 | HO Hok Man, Ken | 2021–2023 |
Evaluating the effectiveness of a peer-led self-management programme for people with recent-onset psychosis: A randomised controlled trial | Health and Medical Research Fund | CHIEN Wai Tong | 2020–2023 |
Effectiveness of a family-facilitated self-learning for caregiving programme for adult family carers of people with first-episode psychosis: A randomised controlled trial with 18-month follow-up | General Research Fund | CHIEN Wai Tong | 2020–2022 |
Effects of a music-visual guided physical activity promotion programme among adults with intellectual disability living in residential care facilities: A cluster-randomised controlled trial | Health and Medical Research Fund | CHENG Ho Yu | 2020–2022 |
Effects of a motivational interviewing tailored programme for promoting advance care planning behaviours among patients with palliative care needs: A randomised controlled trial | General Research Fund | CHAN Yue Lai, Helen | 2018–2020 |
Effects of a structured advance care planning guide among patients with advanced illness in hospital care settings: A stepped-wedge cluster randomised controlled trial | Health and Medical Research Fund | CHAN Yue Lai, Helen | 2017–2019 |
International collaboration on family bibliotherapy and (medication) adherence therapy in schizophrenia and psychotic disorders with psychiatrists, clinicians, medical and nursing researchers, social workers, and psychologists in Australia, Hong Kong, Thailand, United Kingdom, and United States |
A cross-regional collaboration with researchers and clinicians in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore to explore and delineate the concepts of advance care planning |
An international study (COVID-IMPACT) in collaboration with university institutions from 21 countries and/or regions to examine the psychological impact of COVID-19 among individuals worldwide |