CHENG, Chung-yi
Professor, Director of MA programme
B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D (CUHK) | |
Rm | 431 |
39437142 | |
cy448cheng@cuhk.edu.hk |
Brief Biography
I graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a philosophy major in 1987. I then transferred to the History Department of the same university and conducted my research on Modern Chinese Intellectual History. In 1989, I returned to the Philosophy Department and completed my dissertation on the study of the transformation of Confucian thought in seventeenth-century China in 1995. Really I had never thought of becoming an academic during my postgraduate studies. At that time, postgraduate studies for me were nothing but a captivating exploration of the intellectual as well as the art of living. However, I luckily got a chance to join the Philosophy Department later which significantly shaped my life to be an academic one. Luckily again my dissertation was awarded the Young Scholars Dissertation Awards of the CUHK Alumni Fund and eventually published by the Chinese University Press in 2000 after comprehensive revision. This was absolutely a confirmation of my choice to be a scholar.
In the years I am teaching at the Chinese University, teaching and research are undoubtedly the two things that satisfy me a lot, and I always try my best to get rid of different kinds of administrative work even though I know that is part of my job as well. Hence, the sabbatical year during the academic year 2002-2003 I spent at Harvard University under the Harvard Yenching Institute’s Visiting Scholars Program did mean so much to me. As a teacher of the university, I bear the following words of Confucius in mind as my motto: “Quietly to store up my knowledge in my mind, to learn without flagging, to teach without growing weary. For me, there is nothing to these things.”
Research Interests
- Confucian philosophy
- Contemporary Neo-Confucianism
- History of Chinese philosophy
- Comparative studies of Chinese and western Philosophy
Selected Publications
- (編)《中國哲學研究之新方向》,《新亞學術集刊》第20期,香港:中文大學新亞書院,2014年,565頁。
- (Edited)New Directions in Chinese Philosophy, New Asia Academic Bulletin 21, Hong Kong: New Asia College, CUHK, 2014, 239 pages.
- (與林月惠合編)《全球與本土之間的哲學探索——劉述先先生八秩壽慶論文集》,臺北:臺灣學生書局,2014年,831頁。
- 《儒學、哲學與現代世界》,石家莊:河北人民出版社,2010年,349頁。
- 《明清儒學轉型探析——從劉蕺山到戴東原》,香港:香港中文大學出版社, 2000年,269頁;2009年增訂本,360頁。
Book chapters and journal papers
- 〈論張載氣學研究的三種進路〉,《學術月刊》,第53卷,2021年,頁29-38。
- “Knowledge and Virtues: Confucian Education as Life Education and Its Modern Relevance” in Confucian Perspectives on Learning and Self-Transformation, Roland Reichenbach and Duck-Joo Kwak ed., Switzerland: Springer, 2020, pp. 27-43.
- “Confucianism,” “First Responses,” and “Second Responses” in Interreligious Philosophical Dialogues Volume 3, Graham Oppy & N. N. Trakakis ed., Oxon & New York: Routledge, 2018, pp. 3-16; pp. 77-82; pp. 111-115.
- 〈論唐君毅對現代文化的省思〉,《中央大學人文學報》,第66期,2018年,頁19-55。
- 〈再論王陽明的知行合一〉,《學術月刊》,第50卷,2018年,頁5-19。
- 〈論明清之際儒學的一元化傾向〉,《中國文化研究所學報》,第65期,2017年,頁181-201。
- 〈哲學、歷史與哲學史——對二十世紀中國哲學史撰寫的省察〉,收鍾彩鈞主編:《中國哲學史書寫的理論與實踐》,臺北:中央研究院中國文哲研究所,2017年,頁217-259。
- “Modern Versus Tradition: Are there two different approaches to reading of the Confucian Classics?” Educational Philosophy and Theory, Vol. 48, No. 1, January 2016, pp. 106-118. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00131857.2015.1084219
- 〈重讀先秦儒家的政治哲學〉,收北京師範大學人文宗教高等研究院編:《京師人文宗教講堂(2013年卷,總第3卷)》,2016年,頁3-22。
- 〈本體分析與德性工夫——論宋明理學研究的兩條進路〉,收林維杰、黃冠閔、李宗澤主編:《跨文化哲學中的當代儒學——工夫、方法與政治》,臺北:中央研究院中國文哲研究所,2016年,頁73-106。
- 〈現代儒學的三種重建〉,《中國儒學》,第11輯,2016年,頁14-20。
- 〈先秦儒家的政治存有論〉,收李瑞全、楊祖漢主編:《二十一世紀當代儒學論文集I:儒學之國際展望》,臺北:中央大學儒學研究中心,2015年,頁413-428。
- 〈惡之形上學——順唐君毅的開拓進一解〉,收鄭宗義編:《中國哲學研究之新方向》,《新亞學術集刊》第20期,香港:中文大學新亞書院,2014年,頁275-308。
- 〈全球與本地之間的哲學探索——劉述先先生的哲學思想〉,收鄭宗義、林月惠合編:《全球與本土之間的哲學探索——劉述先先生八秩壽慶論文集》,臺北:臺灣學生書局,2014年,頁1-40。
- 〈合哲學、道德與宗教為一體——當代新儒家的儒學觀〉,收鄭宗義、林月惠合編:《全球與本土之間的哲學探索——劉述先先生八秩壽慶論文集》,臺北:臺灣學生書局,2014年,頁41-72。