Kou graduated from the National Taiwan University, and earned his PhD from the CUHK in 2004. He had been a research assistant and an administrative assistant before he served as a part time lecturer at the Macao Polytechnic Institute. He eventually joined the Department of Philosophy in 2006.
His main research interest is Anglo-American philosophy, especially epistemology and logic, while he loves to discuss Marxism, Capitalism, Christianity and other social and cultural issues. Courses he has taught include Logic, Symbolic Logic, Critical Thinking and Philosophy as a Way of Life.
He spends most of his time preparing lessons. When not working, he enjoys watching movies and reading novels.
- 知识论
- 形式及非形式逻辑
- 语言哲学
- 斯多葛主义
- 〈序列演算法──命題邏輯教學的最佳形式系統初探〉。 林正弘編:《邏輯與哲學》,頁349–368。台北:學富文化事業有限公司,2009。
- 〈戈德曼求真主义的两个困境〉。《哲學研究》,《哲學研究》編輯部,李景源/ 2007年增刊。 頁86-90。 中國北京: 哲學研究雜誌社。 2007。
- 〈Epictetus, Stoic Ethics and the Inaction Objection〉. 論文發表於《法律、倫理與文化詮釋研討會》, 9頁。 中國澳門, 2013.08.05。
- 〈甚麼是批判思考──探討批判思考之精確定義〉。論文發表於《「批判思考:教與學」學術會議》, 9頁。 中國香港, 2010.05.08。
- 〈邦究爾的融貫論及其困境〉。論文發表於《中外社會理論與文化反思》, 13頁。 中國澳門, 2008.12.15。
- 〈利華的協議主義與科學革命〉。論文發表於《中外文化交流與科學哲學之發展》, 13頁。 中國澳門, 2007.11.19。