WONG, Kai-yee
Associate Professor
B.A., M.Phil. (CUHK); Ph.D (Australian National University) | |
Rm | 428 |
39437145 | |
wongky@cuhk.edu.hk |
Brief Biography
Wong read philosophy in the CUHK. He graduated with a Master’s degree in 1982 and then spent several years being a school teacher before studying at the Australian National University, from where he obtained his PhD in 1990. After teaching briefly at the Open Learning Institute and University of Hong Kong, he joined the Department of Philosophy in 1993.
He works mainly in analytic philosophy. Philosophy courses he has taught include Logic, Critical Thinking, Philosophical Logic, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Applied Ethics, Philosophy of Mind, Frege & Kripke, Hume, Consequentialism, and Introduction to Philosophy.
He has published papers on philosophical logic, philosophy of language, teaching philosophy, modal semantics, epistemology, applied ethics, and Chinese philosophy. He has supervised postgraduate students working on such topics as consequentialism, mental explanation, externalism in epistemology, the metaphysics of Paul Tillich and Vijnanavadin, personal identity, Davidson’s philosophy, and social epistemology.
When not working or reading, he enjoys hiking and music.
Research Interests
- Metaphysics
- Philosophy of Logic
- Philosophy of Language
- Ethics
Selected Publications
- ‘Two-dimensional Semantics and Identity Statements’, in S. Biggs and H. Geirsson (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Reference, Routledge, 2021, pp. 237-256. (Link)
- ‘Trespassers and Existential Import’, Thought, Vol. 8 (1), 2019, pp. 57-62. (Co-authored with Chi-Ho Hung.) (Link)
- ‘Argumentation and Common Ground’, presented at Third East-West Philosophy Forum, CUHK, March 2017.
- ‘On Jackson’s Descriptivism’, Studies in Logic (邏輯研究) 8 (2015): 52–69. (Link)
- ‘On a Decompositional Analysis of “Game”’, 2nd East-West Philosophy Forum, University of Edinburgh, 2016.
- ‘Necessary Existence and Gödel’s God’, 第七屆兩岸邏輯與研究學術會議, 國立台灣大學2015. (7th Cross-Strait Conference in Logic: Teaching and Research, National Taiwan University, China.)
- ‘On a New Defense of the Description Theory’, 38th International Wittgenstein Symposium: Realism, Relativism, Constructivism, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 2015.
- ‘Naming and Essence’, East-West Philosophy Forum, Soochow University, Taiwan, 2015.
- ‘Remarks on Conceptual Analysis’, American Philosophical Association Pacific Division 88th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, 2015.
- ‘On Gödel’s Ontological Proof’, 10th North-South Philosophy Forum, CUHK, 2014.
- ‘Philosophical Teaching and the Tolerant Advocate’, International Conference on Philosophical Education and Contemporary Society, Peking University, 2012.
- “Computer, Proof, and Testimony”. Studies in Logic vol.5 (2012), no.1, pp.50-67.
- 〈「當然的假設」:不當預設的謬誤〉,中國邏輯學會笫五屆兩岸四地邏輯與研究學術會議,西南大學。
- 〈如何認定不當預設的謬誤?〉發表於香港中文大學哲學系主辦的「批判思考:教與學」學術會議
- “Reference and Descriptions Re-revisited”, Invited Lecture given at Taiwan Logic and Philosophy Conference, organized by Department of Philosophy, Taiwan University. Taipei, 2009.11.
- 〈從條件句的語用強化談論証的詮釋〉。 收入林正弘編:《邏輯與哲學》,頁459–476。台北:學富文化事業有限公司,2009。
- “Taking the Word of a Machine”. 《哲學研究》,2009年增刊,頁157–161。Paper presented in the 第四屆兩岸邏輯教學與研究學術會議, organized by 香港浸會大學、香港科技大學, Hong Kong, 2009.06.24.
- “The Dynamics of Real Arguments and Conditional Strengthening”. Paper presented in The 7th International Conference on Logic and Cognition, organized by Institute of Logic and Cognition, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, 2008.11.10.
- ‘Implicature, Conditional Strengthening, and Argumentation’, presented at Workshop on Body and Meaning III, Academia Sinica, Dec. 2008. Paper presented in the Workshop on Body and Meaning III, organized by Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, 19 pgs. Taipei, Taiwan, 2008.12.06.
- “The Four-color Theorem, Testimony and the A Priori”. Paper presented “Reduction and Elimination in Philosophy and the Sciences”, 31st International Wittgenstein Symposium on Reduction and Elimination in Philosophy and the Sciences, organized by Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, 6 pgs. Kircherg am Wechsel, Austria, 2008.08.12.
- ‘The Dynamics of Real Arguments and Conditional Strengthening’, presented at The 7 th International Conference on Logic and Cognition, organized by Institute of Logic and Cognition, Sun-Yat-sen University, China. Nov. 2008.
- Co-authored with Christopher James Fraser, “Weakness of Will, the Background, and Chinese Thought” in Bo Mou (ed.) Searle’s Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy: Constructive Engagement,pp. 313–333. Leiden, the Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishers, 2008. * with Searle’s Reply.
- ‘Computer, Mathematical Proof, and A Priori Knowledge’, presented at Workshop on Body and Meaning II, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Oct. 2007.
- “Euthanasia, Intentions, and the Doctrine of Killing and Letting”, in Hon-Lam Li and A. Yeung (eds.) New Essays in Applied Ethics: Animal Rights, Personhood, and the Ethics of Killing, pp. 201–215. Hampshire, Great Britain: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
- 〈訴諸群眾的謬誤與社會知識論-兼論知識論在邏輯學的角色〉, 《哲學研究》 頁213-216. 中國北京: 中國社會科學研究所.2007年增刊.
- 〈意志不堅: 中西哲學進路比較及塞爾的”背景論”〉 (方克濤合著) . 《現代哲學》 第88期 (2006), 頁83-89. 2006.10.
- 〈邏輯學與知識論的關聯〉. 第二屆兩岸邏輯教學學術會議, 南京大學哲學系、中國邏輯學會、江蘇省邏輯學會主辦. 2006.10.
- “Nozick and Indigenous Truth” EurAmerica vol.36 no.2, Taipei, Academia Sincia, 2006.06.
- “Two -Dimensionalism and Kripkean A Posteriori Necessity”, in M. Garcia-Carpintero and J. Macia (ed.), Two-Dimensional Semantics, Oxford University Press, 2006.
- 〈從形式語意論到二維模態語意論〉, 《哲學研究》頁167-172. 中國北京.2005年 增刊號
- “Critical Thinking through Applied Ethics and the Problem of Advocacy”, presented at the 34th Annal Conference, Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia, Hong Kong.Nov.2005
- “Two Ways of Thinking about Weaked-will Action” (with Chris Fraser), presented at International Conference on Chinese Philosophy in Analytical Perspectives, organized by National Science Council of Taiwan and Department of Philosophy at National Chenchi University. Taiwan, 9.2005.
- “From Formal Semantics to Two-dimensional Modal Semantics”, 〈金岳霖誕辰110周年紀念學術研討會〉, 中國社會科學院, 北京. 8.2005.
- “Nozick’s Indigenous Truth and Kripke’s Thesis”, presented at 2004 Symposium on Neo-Pragmatism, Academic Sinica.
- “Metaphysical Realism, Scepticism, and Two-Dimensionalism” presented at 2003 Symposium on Neo-Pragmatism, Academic Sinica, Taipei. 12.2003.
- “Rachels on Euthanasia” (in Chinese), Chinese and International Philosophy of Medicine, Vol. 4 (2001): 57-82.
- “Propositions and Relative Apriority”, EurAmerica, vol.31, 2001, pp.1-34.
- “Rigid Designation, Existence, and Semantic for Quantified Model Logic”, 中國社會科學研究所編,《摹物求比—沈有鼎及其治學之道》,北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2000。
- “Singular Propositions and the A Priori”, Journal of Philosophical Research, vol.21, 1996, pp. 107-116
- “Sentence-Relativity and the Necessary A Posteriori”, Philosophical Studies, vol.83, 1996, pp.53-91
- “A Priority and Ways of Grasping a Proposition”, Philosophical Studies, vol.62, 1991, pp.151-164