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Dr Jing JIA

Postdoctoral Fellow
Research interests: Physical Activity, Health and Well-being
+852 3943 9440
Research Interest
  • Physical activity and well-being
  • Health behaviour and health promotion
Publications (*denotes corresponding author)
  1. Jia J, Yeung NCY*. ‘Care for Our Future Scholars’: prevalence and psychosocial correlates of mental health of mainland Chinese PhD students in Hong Kong. Journal of Public Health and Emergency 2021;5: AB013.
  2. Jia, J., Yeung, NCY*. ‘The Stronger, The Better’: Psychosocial and Demographic Correlates of Muscle Dissatisfaction among Young Men in Hong Kong. Annals of Behavioral Medicine., 2021; 55: S28. doi: 10.1093/abm/kaab020
  3. Jia, J., Kong, F.L., Yan, N., Ren P., Wang N., Xiong F.Y., Li, S.X*. Influence of hospital type on satisfaction degree among outpatient clinic attendees[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2018; 34(3): 419-422.
  4. Jia, J., Kong, F.L., Yan, N., Ren P., Li, S.X*. Investigation and Analysis of Outpatients Satisfaction Among Different Types of Hospitals. Chinese Health Quality Management. 2018; 25(05): 59-63.
Conference/Symposium Presentation
  1. Jing Jia, Nelson C. Y. Yeung. "My cross-border PhD journey during the pandemic": COVID-19 on study and well-being of mainland Chinese PhD students in Hong Kong. The 2nd World Conference on Public Health 2021, Virtual conference, Malaysia, November 26-27, 2021 (oral presentation)
  2. Jing Jia, Nelson C. Y. Yeung. “Care for Our Future Scholars’: Prevalence and Psychosocial Correlates of Mental Health of Mainland Chinese PhD Students in Hong Kong. APRU Global Health Conference 2021, Hong Kong, China, November 16-18, 2021 (oral presentation)
  3. Jing Jia, Nelson C. Y. Yeung. “Perfectionists gain more from stress?”: Resilience and perceived academic stress mediate between perfectionism and stress-related growth among Chinese doctoral students in Hong Kong. The 7th International Positive Psychology Association World Congress 2021, Vancouver, Canada, July 15-17, 2021 (poster presentation)
  4. Jing Jia, Nelson C. Y. Yeung. “Coping with my own way”: Mediating roles of emotional expression and social support seeking in the associations between individual differences and posttraumatic growth. The Sixth World Congress on Positive Psychology, Melbourne, Australia, July 18-21, 2019 (oral presentation)
  5. Jing Jia, Feiyang Xiong, Nan Wang, Song Liu, Shixue Li. The SWOT analysis of the university’s role in serving as the third- party for hospital evaluation, The 1st Qilu Doctoral Forum of Health Economics and Health Policy. Jinan, China, May 21-23, 2019 (poster presentation)
Teaching Experience
  • Not applicable
Selected Honours and Awards
  • Student Scholarship for Seventh World Congress on Positive Psychology 2021 (1/9)
  • Student Scholarship for Sixth World Congress on Positive Psychology 2019 (1/20)
  • 2020 China Hospital Quality Conference: "Excellent Paper" of 2019 (1/35), (Jing Jia, Fanlei Kong, Ni Yan, Peng Ren, Shixue Li. Investigation and Analysis of Outpatients Satisfaction Among Different Types of Hospitals.)
Selected Professional Services/Affiliations
  • Member of Society of Behavioural Medicine (SBM)
  • Member of International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA)
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