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Title of Dissertation:
Rights (and Needs) Analysis of English for Academic Purposes of university students in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 Pandemic (tentative)
Professor Jette HANSEN EDWARDS
This research, with a critical ESP perspective, is a qualitative longitudinal needs analysis of academic English of university students in Hong Kong. As the Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted education, this issue is also addressed in my study.
Research Interests
English for Academic Purposes, Critical ESP (English for Specific Purposes), Needs Analysis, Learner Autonomy, Translanguaging
Selected Publications
OLIVEIRA DA SILVA F., (2022). Línguas para Fins Específicos, agência e a jornada de um aluno-professor na Ásia [Language for Specific Purposes, agency and the journey of a student teacher in Asia]. Construindo sentidos na Educação Linguística Crítica e Tecnologias [Building meanings in Critical Language Education and Technologies].
Conference Presentations
OLIVEIRA DA SILVA F., (Mar 2022). Study and work in Asia: opportunities and challenges. Paper presented at FATEC in action Conference.Osasco, Brazil.
Oliveira Da Silva.F. (2020, Dec 7). Academic Interchange: Study Abroad in Higher Education. Paper presented at Conversation Meetings: Multicultural Perspectives. Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul. Farroupilha, RS, Brazil.