Topic: How to make reading data less terrible – a beginner's guide to leveraging financial data for decision making
Date: 17 May 2022 (Tue)
Time: 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Format: Live virtual class (zoom)
Language: English
Fee: Free Registration
Speaker :
Emily Solution Specialist , Bloomberg
In today’s increasingly volatile and complex economic environment, how can you stay on top of the market and make better decisions? Many people turn to data studies for a solution. But there are many reasons to make using data terrible - poor data quality, lack of structure and data standardisation, all prevent us from making decisions based on data efficiently and effectively.
Emily is a Buyside Solution Specialist and leads the APAC news advocacy strategy in Bloomberg. Emily is a staunch proponent of integrating the academia with industry practice – she is a university part-time lecturer and pioneered the development of finance laboratories in Hong Kong universities.She is an Executive Committee member of a number of professional and industrial organisations. Emily is an Executive Committee Member of the HKUBBA Association, a Member of the Chartered Market Technician Association, an External Professional Advisor for UOW College and a former Committee Member of the FinTech Association of Hong Kong. She routinely speaks in university guest lectures and industry conferences on technology, data and technical analysis. She served in the HKSAR Government as an Assistant Secretary, who is responsible for policy formulation, resource allocation and the promotion of the interests of the HKSAR.
Emily is an avid volunteer and scales the cultivation of financial and technological inclusion and literacy through her networks. She led Government-subvented volunteer organisations and her work on youth development has been featured by the Government for public recognition.