Media Release

  • BME Student awarded Link University Scholarship 2022/23

    Tiffany Choi from the Department of Biomedical Engineering has won the $20,000 Link University Scholarship in recognition of her outstanding achievements in academic studies and community services. Although schoolwork has been keeping her busy, she still manages to find time for volunteering. This summer...
  • CUHK Engineering Professors Elected IEEE Fellow 2023

    Three professors from the Faculty of Engineering have been elected Fellows of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2023. There are currently 41 IEEE Fellows in the Faculty of Engineering at CUHK.   ...
  • Professor Jianbin Xu and Professor Ching Ping Wong named Most Highly Cited Researchers

    Professor Jianbin Xu and Professor Ching Ping Wong from Department of Electronic Engineering have earned the honour of being named in the list of “Highly Cited Researchers 2022” as among the world’s top researchers who have demonstrated significant and broad influence reflected in their publication of multiple papers, highly cited by fellow academics.   ...
  • A research team from CUHK Faculty of Engineering and Chun Wo jointly develop cable-driven robot for high-rise building facades

    With Hong Kong’s construction industry plagued by manpower shortages over the past few years, safety has never been more important. As a first, a research team led by *Professor Darwin Lau Tat Ming*, Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at The...
  • CUHK broadens AI knowledge with Jockey Club support Phase two of CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project Target to reach 50% of Hong Kong’s secondary schools

    Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and co-organised by CUHK’s Faculties of Engineering and Education, the CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future Project (the project) held the Phase Two Kick-off Ceremony on 4 November at TY Wong Hall, Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building at CUHK, to announce the...
  • CUHK Faculty of Engineering holds Financial Technology Conference 2022 on new developments in the digital economy: metaverse, web3 and beyond

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)’s Faculty of Engineering hosted the 2022 CUHK Conference on Financial Technology (FinTech) in hybrid mode today (3 November). The conference, “*New developments in the digital economy: metaverse, web3 and beyond*”, attracted more than 700 attendees...
  • Prof Liao WH receives China Top Cited Paper Awards from IOP Publishing

    *Professor Liao Wei-Hsin* from Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering has received the China Top Cited Paper Awards by IOP Publishing for three research papers that are among the most influential articles from China. IOP Publishing selected the papers from across the entire IOP...
  • CUHK develops a novel magnetic helical microrobot with endoscope

    *CUHK develops a novel magnetic helical microrobot with endoscope-assisted delivery for biofilm eradication in ear tubes* Otitis media is an inflammation or infection located in the middle ear. It is a health problem commonly seen...
  • CUHK researchers develop novel RNA nanoparticles for targeting and alleviating atherosclerotic plaque

    The blockage of blood vessels caused by atherosclerosis is a major cause of stroke and ischemic heart disease. However, current treatments such as surgery are invasive, while lipid-lowering drugs can only slow down disease progression. Gene regulation is an emerging therapeutic approach to atherosclerosis...
  • Four young professors from Faculty of Engineering receive NSFC Young Scientists Fund 2022

    Four young professors from the Faculty of Engineering receive the National Natural Science Foundation of China’s (NSFC) Young Scientists Fund 2022. This year, it is the first time that the NSFC Young Scientists Fund is open to researchers in Hong Kong. Thirteen professors from CUHK have been recognised by...
