Aug 2017     Issue 5
BME Department Launched

CUHK launched the first Department of Biomedical Engineering in Hong Kong on 1 July 2017.  The new Department will host all the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Biomedical Engineering to further their coherent development, and to scale new heights in this important area of education, research and professional services.

Magnetic Microrobots: Design, Swarming and Targeted Delivery for Biomedicine

In recent years, magnetic-field-driven microrobots have drawn lots of attention because of their promising potential in minimally invasive biomedical applications such as targeted delivery of drug or energy at difficult-to-reach locations inside the human body, materials or stem cell/tissue implantation and biopsy in vivo.

A Novel Nanometer-scale Probe Enables a Better Understanding of Cells

Our nanoprobes enable long term intracellular detection of miRNAs in living stem cells and provide real time data on the time-dependent expression level of multiple specific miRNAs which are biomarkers of stem cell differentiation.

Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Award Presentation Ceremony

The theme of Professor Charles K. Kao Student Creativity Awards 2017 is smart living. It covers and relates to almost all streams of modern technologies, such as biomedical or healthcare solutions, sustainable energy, green solutions, ICT technologies, robotics, artifical intelligence, as well as any novel technologies, products and services.
Two Engineering Professors Elected Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellows

Prof. Du Ruxu and Prof. Meng Qing Hu Max have been elected Fellows of the Canadian Academy of Engineering for their notable achievements in Engineering.
Engineering Students Shone in Hong Kong Challenge Cup Competition

Nine teams of students won top awards at the 'Challenge Cup' National Competition Hong Kong Regional Final – Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2017.
Prof. Ching Pak Chung Awarded HKSAR Silver Bauhinia Star

Prof. Ching Pak Chung was awarded Silver Bauhinia Star 2017 by the HKSAR Government for his long and distinguished public and community service.
CUHK Ranked Top Innovative University in Hong Kong by Reuters

CUHK ranked 27th in the Asia-Pacific region by the latest 'Reuters: Asia Pacific's Most Innovative Universities'.
MAE Students Won the Championship at the 6th Greater China Design Competition 2017

CUHK Engineering Team won the championship at the 6th Greater China Design Competition.
CUHK Won Championship in the PwC's Inter-University Capture The Flag Competition

Two CUHK teams ranked 1st and 4th respectively after 6 hours of non-stopped hacking to tackle 15 different challenges.
Continued Success in Obtaining Research Grants, GRF-ECS 2017-18

In the most recent GRF and ECS submission exercise administrated by the RGC, the Faculty secured a total of $31.6M from 53 funded projects.
CUHK Research Appears in "Classic Papers: Articles That Have Stood The Test of Time" by Google Scholar

Classic papers are highly-cited papers in their area of research that have stood the test of time.
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