Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - LI Hao Tian, WAI Hoi To, YEUNG Sung (Prof. K. N. Leung)



香港通訊業聯會盃 ¾ 聯校問答比賽剛於二零零七年六月二日在灣仔小童群益會完滿結束。經過多回合激烈的比賽,香港中文大學電子工程學系三位同學,包括隊長二年級生李昊沺﹑隊員一年級韋凱滔和楊嵩,憑著對香港通訊業的深入了解及對通訊科技的廣博認識,配合其無間的合作精神及精湛的應變策略,以穏健姿態成功擊敗其餘五隊精英隊伍,勇奪香港通訊業聯會盃的冠軍寶座。

香港通訊業聯會盃是香港通訊業聯會為慶祝「世界資訊社會日」而舉辦的一項盛大比賽。「世界資訊社會日」是為了紀念國際電信聯盟 (ITU) 在1865 年5月17日(當時稱為「世界電訊日」)成立而設的日子。每年這天,不同的國家及城市均會舉辦各種不同類型的活動以慶祝及記念此日。香港通訊業聯會盃的舉辦目的除了慶祝「世界資訊社會日」外,更是希望透過比賽,讓同學更了解香港的通訊業,從而提高同學對香港通訊業的興趣與關注,使同學能對資訊及通訊科技對經濟及社會所帶來的衝擊及商機有更強的觸覺。



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CAHK Trophy - Inter-universities Quiz Competition

CAHK Trophy - Inter-universities Quiz Competition was held on 2 June 2007 at The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong (Wanchai). After several round of intense competition, the team from the Department of Electronic Engineering of CUHK, which included Li Hao Tian (year 2), Wai Hoi To (year 1) and Yeung Sung (Year 1), had finally beaten the other five teams of elites to become the champion of this competition, by virtue of both deep understanding of communication technology and extraordinary problem solving strategy.

The World Information Society Day (previously known as World Telecommunication Day) is to commemorate the founding of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on 17 May 1865. Each year, different countries or cities carry out various activities to celebrate this Day. Apart from the objective of celebrating this day, the CAHK trophy held by The Communications Association of Hong Kong (CAHK) is to enable the tertiary students to experience the power of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) and have a better understanding on the local ICT industry, as well as raising the interest and awareness of ICT industry of the tertiary students for their future career development.

A total of six teams participated in this competition, where all of the participants are all elites chosen from departments of different local universities and institutes. During the start of the competition, all six teams had shown their proper standard with confidence when answering questions as no team can have any advantage over each other to break out the seesaw battle, which have created a rather anxious atmosphere. After the first round, each team still did not dare to have even slightly slack to avoid losing any key scores. As the difficulty of questions gradually increased during the final round of the competition, the CUHK-EE team competed more fiercely and had successfully taken advantages from other teams’ fault to pull off the event and got the final championship. “The entire competition is so histrionic and it was so honorable when I knew that my correct answer to the final question has led to the victory of this competition,” described by the CUHK-EE team member To.

In addition to the trophy, the winning team is also given an opportunity to work in local communication company through summer internship programme. As the captain of the CUHK-EE team Li Hao Tian explained, both strategy and solid knowledge of ICT is crucial and essential to have beaten the opponents successfully during this competition, and this unforgettable experience has strengthened him the understanding of the future development of ICT industries.

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