Prof. XU, Jian Bin and Prof. TSANG, Hon Ki as well as their research teams won the 2nd prize of the Natural Science Awards 2014 (2014高校科學研究優秀成果 - 自然科學獎) by the Ministry of Education, China. Prof. Xu Jianbin and Prof Tsang Hon Ki as well as their research teams won the 2ndprize of the Natural Science Awards 2014 (2014高校科學研究優秀成果 - 自然科學獎) by the Ministry of Education, China.
Project title: 石墨烯晶體管及其光電探测器的介面工程研究
Team members: Xu Jianbin, Wang Xiaomu, Wan Xi, Chen Kun, Tsang Hon Ki, Chen Zhenzhou, Xie Weiguang, Tian Xiaoqing
For details, please visit here.
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