鄺啟新 Prof. KWONG Kai Sun, Sunny Adjunct Professor |
Tel: 3943-5503 | |
Email: kaisunkwong@cuhk.edu.hk | |
Office Location: Not Available | |
Education BSSc (HKU) |
Research Interest Microeconomic Theory |
Prof. Kwong has been teaching in the Department of Economics for more than three decades. Besides academic work, he assisted the Department in its strategic planning, personnel decisions, manpower deployment, teaching and learning quality assurance, and student admissions. Before his retirement in 2022, he served as Chairman of the Department of Economics. He enjoys working closely with students. Since 2009, he has served as Dean of General Education of the Wu Yee Sun College and Associate Master.
Prof. Kwong’s current research focuses on the correspondence principle, which says that there is a strong relationship between the comparative static and dynamic stability properties of equilibrium points in a wide class of models. This theory is relevant to both micro and macro models.
“A Correspondence Principle for Cooperative Differential Equations” Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 150, 2014, p.878-887.
His current teaching interest is in the history of economic thoughts.
2022-2023: |
1st Term |
2nd Term | |