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Giving Opportunities

Message from the Master

Cultus et Beneficentia

CW Chu College is a small College, with just around 300 students. It offers residential accommodation for all its students for four years of their undergraduate studies. With some 40 teachers drawn from different disciplines, CW Chu College will provide a rare opportunity to cultivate the intellectual and social development of students for their own benefit and for the benefit of the communities they will serve.

The vision is a community of budding scholars gathered in convivial surroundings conducive to learning, where students from diverse backgrounds will mix, share and grow. Intellectual development will be coupled with an accent on personal responsibility and integrity, and a spirit of service to others—values which the late Dr CW CHU exemplified, and which are encapsulated in our motto Cultus et Beneficentia.

As a young College with its first cohort of students in September 2012, much needs to be done: to design and continuously enhance the educational and pastoral programmes, as well as social and exchange activities for students—and not least to raise funds and garner the resources that will be necessary if we are to turn the vision into success.

I call upon those who share in this vision to join in the task of bringing the College to fruition.

Suk-Ying WONG
Master, CW Chu College
July 2021



Our Vision

CW Chu College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong is established with the vision to be

An intimate community of scholars drawn from diverse backgrounds, engaged with the world in a spirit of curiosity and generosity.

This Vision Statement embraces four elements which distinguish the College and to which we shall devote our efforts:

  • Intimate

The College will be small, and should develop into a closely knit collegiate community.

  • International

Members of the College will be drawn from a variety of backgrounds: Hong Kong, the rest of China and beyond.  Students will experience cultural diversity first hand and develop cultural sensitivity, as well as a global outlook.

  • Intellectual

The community of scholars will approach learning and life in an intellectual way, in a spirit of curiosity and enquiry.

  • Involved

Knowledge will be treasured not only for its own sake, but as the basis for moral action.  Members will be engaged and involved with the wider community in a spirit of generosity towards others, through service and other contributions.



Examples of activities to be supported

summer-activities-beijing volunteer Orchestra rice


Please contact the Master or the College Office if you are interested in supporting any of these initiatives. Donations in Hong Kong and in the US can enjoy tax exemption.

