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CW Chu College Newsletter (Issue 7)

The 7th Issue of the CW Chu College Newsletter has been uploaded on the College website.
Contents of this issue:
   (1) From the Editor
   (2) Ground-Breaking Honour Code
   (3) College Life Activities (2012–2013 Academic Year)
   (4) Donations (From 9 February 2013 to 9 August 2013) 
   (5) Personalia
   (6) New Members (as of August 2013)
   (7) The Committee of Overseers
   (8) Campus Development
   (9) Communal Dinner Talks
  (10) High Table Dinners
  (11) Social Entrepreneurship Workshops and Yunus Centre Service Trip in Bangladesh
  (12) Formation of The CWC Service Team and The 2013 Summer Project
  (13) CUHK Joint College Medical Team to Uganda
  (14) College Promotional Events
  (15) Language Enhancement Programme
  (16) College Activities
  (17) Sports
  (18) Constitution of the Student Union
  (19) Student Honour Code Committee (SHCC) – Election of Chair 
  (20) College Orientation Camp
  (21) Visitors
  (22) Personal Data
  (23) Next Issue
Newsletter 7 cover page Eng