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M.Phil. - Ph.D. in Cultural Studies
Postgraduate Students

M.Phil. - Ph.D. in Cultural Studies - Postgraduate Students

Postgraduate Students

Cheng Chung Pong


Cheng Chung Pong


Cheng Chung Pong is a PhD candidate in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research focuses on the dynamics of contemplation and action in local literary field,  fictions and urban planning, writing space and speech act of minority.  


Tentative Research Topic

Hong Kong Literary Writers and Public Imagination in Post-handover Hong Kong: Fleurs des Lettres (Zihua) and The House of Hong Kong Literature


Research Interests

Hong Kong Literature and Culture, Public Culture, Cultural Production, Cultural Politics





Chung Hiu Yung


Chung Hiu Yung


I am an MPhil student in Cultural Studies at CUHK. I focus on researching the cinema of Lou Ye, one of the prominent directors of the Sixth Generation of Chinese Cinema. I am interested in genre films such as film noir and melodrama, as well as the relationships between the individual and the state, the body and traumatic experience, as well as sources of film adaptation. I received my BA in English Literature at Durham University in the UK.


Tentative Research Topic

The Cinema of Lou Ye: the traumatised body and neoliberalism in postsocialist China


Research Interests

Film Studies (Film noir and Melodrama), Chinese Independent Cinema, Queer Theory



Chieng Wei Shieng



Chieng Wei Shieng


Alongside academic 'seriousness', Wei Shieng misses Malaysian and Singaporean food, enjoys watching anime, fantasy and sci-fi, and listening to music. She also dreams, dances (awkwardly) and strives to work towards a more equitable and humane society. In another life, she may have been an illustrator, animator or graphics comic artist.


Tentative Research Topic

Possibilities of decoloniality in Singapore’s contemporary arts scene


Research Interests

Decoloniality/ decolonial thinking and praxis and its possible/potential relevances/resonances to Singapore's contemporary arts scene; Epistemologies (of ignorance); Race, gender, sexualities; Southeast Asian contemporary art.



  1. Disobedience Travels, Vulture magazine, Issue 27, Oct 2021 (
  2. Op-ed, Being Human Alongside COVID, Vulture magazine, Issue 25, Sept 2020 (
  3. Op-ed, Rediscovering (Hidden) Stories of Space, Vulture magazine, Issue 23, March 2019 (
  4. Op-ed, The Strange(r) Other, Vulture magazine, Issue 22, September 2018 (
  5. The Relational Artist, Issue 21, March 2018 (
  6. Gomer and Hosea,(2018-2019): An online 'mini exhibition' project for 'The Visual Commentary on Scripture', of three artworks, accompanied by a series of commentaries on these artworks online, alongside a biblical text from the book of Hosea, chapter 2. (



Han Zhuyuan



Han Zhuyuan


I majored in Chinese literature during my undergraduate studies, and I obtained my master’s degree in Critical Asian Humanities from Duke University, USA. For my PhD project, I am going to explore the relationship between the reading practice of Chinese urban women and the formation of their female subjectivity through the lens of women’s periodicals. I’d like to investigate how the emergence of women as modern readers on the pages of public print media embodied their engagements with new norms and knowledge, as well as facilitating their feminist awareness, self-identification, and collective identity. I am also interested in studying how they were confined while also negotiating with male editors’ normative construction on modern womanhood, and how the image of “female reader” was developed and deployed by male intellectuals for various ideological purposes.  


Research Interests

Modern Chinese print culture; Women’s studies and feminism; Media theory



  1. CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s PhD Scholarship (2020-2023)
  2. Duke University Critical Asian Humanities Program Tuition Grant (2019)
  3. The 3rd National Prize of the 11th Literary Work Contest on University Students Nationwide (2016)



(Translation) “Workshop Discussions: On ‘The Grieved Dance,’ ‘Wooden Radio’ & ‘The Vanilla Camp’,” Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, 2020, 14(3): 434-479  


Conference Presentation

  1. The British Association of Chinese Studies Annual Conference, Oxford, UK (2022.8.31-9.1)
  2. The 23rd Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies, Leipzig, Germany (2021.8.24-28)
  3. The 9th International Academic Forum Asian Conference on Cultural Studies, Tokyo, Japan (2019.5.24-26)
  4. The 3rd University of Oxford China Humanities Graduate Conference, Oxford, UK (2019.4.23-24) 



Hu Wenxi



Hu Wenxi


I majored in Chinese literature during my undergraduate studies at the South Normal University of China. I obtained my MPhil degree in Chinese Contemporary and Modern Literature from the East Normal University of China. I am exploring the representation of human-waste experiences within a trans-media framework for my Ph.D. dissertation. Using "documentary mode" as an opening frame, I examine how photography, art, and poetry visualize environmental waste while facilitating the ambiguous relationship between waste and humans. By exploring what is at stake in defining waste and how these definitions of waste work for specific kinds of people, I am also concerned about how the representation of the human-waste relationship interacts with geopolitical relations, gender politics, and technical aesthetics.


Tentative Research Topic

Documenting/ Feeling waste: Documentary Mode and Environmental literature and films in Contemporary China 


Research Interests

Environmental humanity, film and media studies, Chinese modern and contemporary literature and culture. 


Conference Presentation

  1. Wenxi Hu. 2022."A Critical Reading on the Anti-feminism Discourse by “The Online Left Wing” in Bilibili Platform."The 3rd Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture. Osaka University, Japan. October 17–20, 2022
  2. Wenxi Hu.2022." Aerial waste: the rhetoric and politics of drone environmental photography." British Association of Chinese Studies 2022 Conference. Oxford university. 31 August-1 September 2022.
  3. Wenxi Hu.2020. "How do Chinese stories translate into English novels: centers on wuxun, an English novel created by Xu Dishan in Hong Kong(中國故事如何翻譯成英文小說:以許地山在港創作的英文歷史小說《武訓》為例 )".Rethinking 20th Century Chinese Literature: The Third Zhongrong National Doctoral Forum(二十世紀中國文學再反思:第三届中融全國博士生論論壇).East Normal university of China. 6-8 November 2020.



  1. Wenxi Hu (11/2021). The romantic narrative features of ancient puppet drama from the ojakin(從《禦賜小仵作》看古偶劇的浪漫敘事特徵),Contemporary TV(.當代電視),8.2021(11):25-30.DOI:10.16531/j.cnki.1000-8977.2021.11.002.
  2. Wenxi Hu (5/2018) .A study on Fragment of Xishi  adapted by Xudishan (許地山改編的粵語劇《西施》殘稿初探). Journal of Modern Chinese(現代中文學刊),2018(05):58-67.



CUHK Vice-Chancellor's Ph.D. Scholarship Scheme(2020-2023)(2020-2023)



Lee Chi Shing



Lee Chi Shing

Lee Chi Shing is a Ph.D. candidate in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His ongoing dissertation project aims to bridge up Hong Kong Studies and the Global Sixties by investigating the radical discourse of home from 1969 to 2021. It addresses a two-fold question: 1) how local activism in Hong Kong can be understood from the perspective of the global Sixties, and 2) how local activism in Hong Kong renews our interpretation of the global landscape of radicalism. Approaching the radical discourse of home as a local lens to interpret the global landscape of the Sixties’ radicalism, the dissertation project argues for an understanding of home that could articulate a more productive politics – not so much the xenophobic, exclusive, and defensive politics than the multifaceted, inclusive, and open-ended. 


Tentative Research Topic

The Radical Politics of Home: the Radical Discourse of Home in the Sixties and Post-Sixties Hong Kong, 1969–2016


Research Interests

The Global Sixties, Left-wing Politics, Activism, Hong Kong Studies



(Accepted) ”The utopian homeland: New Left internationalism, diasporic Chinese nationalism, and anarchism in Hong Kong, 1969–1973”. The Global Sixties: An Interdisciplinary Journal.



Li Jinghui Issac



Li Jinghui Issac


Li Jinghui is a PhD student in Culture Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research focused on rural flavored videos (tuwei shipin, 土味視頻) generated and spread virally by users on Chinese social media. His study aims to investigate the politics of rurality (tu, 土) represented in these short videos that mirror the sophisticated relationships and imaginations between urbanity and rurality in China. He is also interested in Chinese gender and sexuality, biopolitics, affect theory, new materialism. 
He received his BA in Advertising from Shanghai University in 2018 and his MA in Creative Media from the City University of Hong Kong in 2019. 


Tentative Research Topic

Rural Flavoured Videos and the Politics of Rurality in Chinese Social Media


Research Interests

Chinese Digital Video Culture, Chinese Gender and Sexuality, Media and Affect Theory, New Materialism



Li Yixiang



Li Yixiang

Li Yixiang is a PhD student in Cultural Studies at CUHK. His proposed dissertation focuses on modern Chinese poetry, in particular on its conception of voice. His project investigates how modern sonic technologies inspired the formation of poetic address in the history of Chinese literary modernity. 


He received BA in English Literature at BNU-HKBU United International College and MA in East Asian Studies at University of Toronto. 


Tentative Research Topic

The Technology of Articulation: Modern Chinese Poetry and its Sonic Imagination, 1917-1949


Research Interests

Comparative modern poetics; "writing as technology"; urban culture; fashion history.



Luo Haoxi



Luo Haoxi


I’m a Ph.D. candidate in cultural studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. My research interest is the intersection between digital games, everyday life, and the realistic aesthetics in contemporary China. My thesis project focuses on indie games in the life simulation genre in China, examining how real life is expressed through games and the tensions between such games and official governance and social culture.


Research Interests

Game Studies, Independent Games, Life Simulation, Realism, Everyday Life, Popular Culture, Internet Literature



Luo, Haoxi. Forthcoming. Games as Heterotopias: Realist Games in China. The British Journal of Chinese Studies



Eric Michael Peterson



Eric Michael Peterson


Eric Peterson is a Ph.D. student in Cultural Studies at CUHK and received his B.S. at Towson University and M.A. at Yonsei University. His research interests span many areas in game studies, particularly the development of communities surrounding speedrunning and digital game modification. He also has a prior background in the cultural history of Korea and Japan.


Research Interests

Video Games, Digital Cultures, Cultural Industries, Science and Technology Studies, New Materialism, Cultural History of Korea and Japan



Quizon Juan Miguel Leandro



Quizon Juan Miguel Leandro

Graduate Fellow

(Asian Graduate Student Fellowship Program of the Asia Research Institute - National University of Singapore in 2015)


Juan Miguel Leandro Quizon is a PhD student in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is finishing his dissertation on spatial cultures of airports in archipelagic Southeast Asia focusing on monumentalism, mobilizations, and mobilities. His research interest includes urban spatial studies and popular media culture. He was a fellow from the Asian Graduate Student Fellowship Program offered by the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore in 2015. He holds an MA in literary and cultural studies from the Ateneo de Manila University and a BSC in applied corporate management from the De La Salle University - Manila. 


Short description

An athlete, classical pianist, and traveler who loves to shower in the rain


Tentative Research Topic

Architectonics of Archipelagic Southeast Asian Airport Cultures


Research Interests

Urban spatial cultures, popular culture and media



Tan Xuanxuan

Xuanxuan Tan


Tan Xuanxuan


Xuanxuan Tan is a Ph.D. candidate in Cultural Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong whose research is based in China. Her interests sit at the intersection of science and technology studies, biopolitics, and media studies. She holds an MPhil in Journalism and Communication from the Jinan University.


Tentative Research Topic

Anti-epidemic objects, culture, and power: A materialist study of China’s war against the pandemic


Research Interests

Science and technology studies, biopolitics, nationalism, affective publics and China's social media


Conference Presentation

  1. Xuanxuan Tan. 2022. “Building national identity via immunity: The politics of COVID-19 vaccination campaign in China.” Virtual Workshop on "Faith in Immunity: Religion, COVID-19 Vaccines, and Structures of Trust ." National University of Singapore, Singapore. 27-28 October 2022.
  2. Xuanxuan Tan. 2022. “Prosumption can backfire: Re-examining the nature of digital memorials during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” the 9th European Communication Conference (ECREA 2022). Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark. 19 - 22 October 2022.
  3. Xuanxuan Tan. 2022. “De-contention: Retrofitting affective publics in China’s social media during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Media and Publics Conference. Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark. 22 April 2022. (co-authored with Weihang Wang).
  4. Xuanxuan Tan. 2022. “Affective viral tests and foods: The biopolitics of China's responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.” The 13th Annual CUHK Anthropology Postgraduate Forum. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. 11-12 February 2022.
  5. Xuanxuan Tan. 2022. “Road, speaker, and roadblock: Pandemic risk in areas under lockdown.” Hong Kong Sociological Association 22nd Annual Conference.The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China. 8 January 2022.



  1. Xuanxuan Tan. (2022). Hope and trust: Public attitudes toward mass COVID-19 testing programs in Guangzhou, China. Frontiers in Psychology. 13:972398. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.972398
  2. Xuanxuan Tan. (2022). Book Review: Chinese Internet Buzzwords: Research on Network Languages in Internet Group Communication. Information & Culture. 57(3),
  3. Xuanxuan Tan. (2018). China is a hare: The articulation of national identity in Year Hare Affair. Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication, 9(2), 159-175.
  4. 張文婷 & 譚璿璿.(2021).暫時性的生育延遲:適齡婚育青年對於女性凍卵的認知研究. 當代青年研究(04),39-45.
  5. 譚璿璿.(2017).新媒體語境下青年亞文化與主導文化關係再審視——以彈幕視頻“局座B站直播首秀”為例. 新媒體與社會(03),191-204.



ICS Mok Hing Cheong Postgraduate Scholarship (2022/23)



Tang Sum Sheung Samson



Tang Sum Sheung Samson

Samson Tang is a Ph.D. candidate who is currently working on his dissertation on battle royale games, their cultural and emotional impacts, and player experiences. He also holds an M.Phil. on documentary films and affective ecocriticism.

A passionate gamer who plays Fortnite, PUBG, Arcaea, and A Dance of Fire and Ice. He also plays online Texas holdem and international chess.


Research Interests

Transgression in games, alternative play practices, media and emotions, global gaming industries, game policies and censorship in China



Kika W. L. Van Robays 



Kika W. L. Van Robays 

Kika W.L. Van Robays is a PhD student in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong from Belgium and Hong Kong. Their research focuses on zines, queer communities and the Sinosphere. Kika is also a poet and the author of Let the Mourning Come (2022). They have an MA in Chinese Language and Culture and Gender and Diversity studies.


Tentative Research Topic

Queer/ing Zines in the Sinosphere: How Zines Build Community


Research Interests

Queer Studies, Gender Studies, Sinophone Studies, Sinosphere Studies, Media Studies


2022: publication of Let the Mourning Come (poetry collection)



Wang Weihang



Wang Weihang


I came from a history background and I'm trying to put together an industrial history of Mao's Third Front (a secret national defense project initiated in 1965) in the hinterland of China's southwest. I'm interested in the relation between the Third Front, the (post/new) Cold War scenario, and the formation of the industrial rustbelt in southwest China. I'm also concerned with the environmental issues caused by the building of the Third Front and its lasting impact on the environment of the hinterland. I received my BA in history from the Ohio State University in 2016 and my MA in China Studies from the University of Michigan in 2018.


Tentative Research Topic

Industrial Landscape and Legacies of Mao’s China: Third Front Factories and Their Surrounding Environments


Research Interests

Industrial history and Cultural history of Mao's China; Environmental history; Third Front; Rustbelt and Ruins



"The Practice of Urban Exploration in Investigating the Material and Visual Memory of China’s Old Industrial Towns." Best Paper Award. Online Postgraduate Conference in Humanities at Hong Kong Baptist University



Wong Ka Hei



Wong Ka Hei


Wong Ka Hei is a PhD student in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Her current research examines how sex and gender educators/ creators, queer activists, and feminists in Hong Kong use digital platforms as the nexus for their activist work and personal living that further creates solidary actions in the offline realm. She received her Mphil degree in Gender Studies from CUHK and her Bachelor's degree in Communications (International Journalism) from the Baptist University of Hong Kong.


Tentative Research Topic

Queering Platform and Bodies: Gender, Feminist and Queer Digital Activism in Hong Kong


Research Interests

Gender Studies, Queer and Feminist Theory, Media Studies, Platform and Creator Studies, Activism, Affect, Hong Kong Studies


Jacobs, K., Cheung, D., Maltezos, V., Wong, K, H. (forthcoming.) Caught between Gender and Democracy: Pepe the Frog’s Visual Recurrence and Gender Deviations on the LIHKG Forum. Journal of Digital Social Research.
The awardee of 2021 Hong Kong Association of University Women Postgraduate Scholarship 



Wong Long Hin Lucas



Wong Long Hin Lucas


I am an Mphil student in Cultural Studies at CUHK. My major concern is the relationship between aesthetics and politics. My current research draws on documentaries representing the white terror period in Taiwan. In addition to Taiwanese documentaries, I am also interested in film studies and postcolonial studies with a focus on Hong Kong. I received my B.A. in Cultural Studies at CUHK. I gave a presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society for Hong Kong Studies 2022 with the title, “Resistant Temporality in Online Live Streaming News: The Case of Hong Kong Anti-ELAB Movement.” 


Tentative Research Topic

The Work of Documentary in the Age of Transitional Justice: Documentaries on the White Terror Period in Taiwan


Research Interests

Film Studies

Hong Kong Studies

Postcolonial Studies

Aesthetics and Politics

Social Movements



Wong See Huat Kenneth



Wong See Huat Kenneth


Kenneth Wong considered himself as an urban nomad who has lived in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Western Europe and Taiwan for his quest for knowledge and understanding of local cultures. As an ICOMOS member, he has spoken recently on "Spice Route as Shared Heritage", as one of the Hokdulu Talk Series in June 2021, organized by ICOMOS-EPWG Malaysia. Founded People Ideas Culture 人思文 in early 2016, his dedication has focused on placemaking, heritage tourism, art curatorial and cultural programming. IFACCA chose him to serve as rapporteur for the 8th World Summit of Art and Culture (Kuala Lumpur, 2019). He has executed various art exhibitions in collaboration with different spaces in Kuala Lumpur throughout 2016-2019, which very much skewed towards social-oriented art projects.  


As a speaker, he sat in one of the panellist discussions on "River Cities" during the 7th Macau Literary Festival (2018) and have presented in "Bandung Creative Movement Conference (2017, Indonesia) and International Landscape Architects Dialogue (2017, Kuala Lumpur). As a heritage consultant, he has curated three walks in Bangsar: Bangsarian His-story Walk, Bangsar Trademark Walk, Bangsar Place Making Walk; KL Binocle Walk (Chinatown); Loke Yew Heritage Trail as oral history exercises to safeguard the urban heritage. He has run a day of International Industrial Heritage Marketing Workshop in Ipoh, as a satellite event of Pangkor International Development Dialogue (2017) in Malaysia, as a member of ICTC and ICOMOS. At the same capacity, he has organized a workshop on revitalizing the rural heritage in Kopisan Village, Gopeng (Perak, Malaysia), together with Contemplate Culture (Hong Kong) in April 2019.


Tentative Research Topic

A Critical Analysis on the Queer Art Development in Four Asian Tigers (1990-2020)


Research Interests

Urban Studies, Curatorial Studies, Queer Studies, Heritage Studies


Publication and Awards

"A Critical Analysis on Queer Art Representation in Spectrosynthesis I and Spectrosynthesis II", July 2021, presented in International Conference – Exhibitionism: Sexuality at the Museum, Dec 2021, organized by Wilzing Erotic Art Museum, Kinsey Institute of Indiana University and Humboldt-Universitat Zu Berlin.

 "Negotiating the Realization of Asian Queer Art Biennale" in 2020 Annual Conference and Seminar Proceedings of Taiwan Art History Association.

Blog writing on contemporary art and museum studies,

"People, Ideas, Culture in Shaping Shared Value Society", proceeding published by Atlantis Press, presented in 4th Bandung Creative Movement International Conference, Oct 2017.

Sociology and Anthropology 3(8): 379-388, Oct 2015, titled "Cultural Landscapes in Asian

Modernity", Horizon Research Publishing.

Postgraduate Thesis: Cosmopolitan consumption of sexualized space: Hong Kong's gay bar/club/sauna, The HKU Scholar Hub, 2008.


As an independent curator and member of ICOM, his curatorial proposal titled "NUSA/NTARA" has been selected by Waley Art Taipei as one of the five winners out of 57 submissions in July 2020. The very same proposal has also been awarded the grant by the Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government in January 2021.

As a beneficiary under the CENDANA Mobility Grant (Malaysia), he has represented two emerging artists to participate in the 6th LICA (Lisbon International Contemporary Art) in Portugal in 2018.

Academically, he is the beneficiary of the Asian Development Bank-Japan scholarship (2006-2008), Exchange Studentship to Griffith University (2007), Erasmus Mundus scholarship (2010-2012) and Postgraduate Studentship of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2021-2024).



Yu Nicole Alexis

Nicole Yu


Yu Nicole Alexis


Yu Nicole Alexis is an Mphil student in Cultural Studies in The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her current research is on Hong Kong Social Movement Documentaries (2014-2021). She received her BA in Journalism and Communication from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2016. 


Current Research Topic

Socially Active Recording: Meaning Making and Audience Reception of Hong Kong Social Movements Documentaries (2014-2021)


Research Interests

Media Studies 

Media and Social Movements

Documentary Studies

Hong Kong Studies 



Zheng Lin


Zheng Lin


I am a Mphil student in Cultural Studies and Gender Studies at CUHK. My background is Chinese language and literature(BA,Peking University). My Present research focus on Original Boy’s Love novel in mainland China. Other interests include: popular culture studies, gender studies, film and media studies.


Tentative Research Topic

Subjectivity Construction through Intimate Relationship Imagination in Original Chinese Boy’s Love Novel


Research Interests

Popular culture studies, gender studies, film and media studies.



Zhu Mengmeng



Zhu Mengmeng


Zhu Mengmeng is a Ph.D. candidate in Cultural Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research is situated at the confluence of women’s representations, gender politics, and modern Chinese literature. She is also interested in Chinese science fiction. 


Tentative Research Topic

Between Nationalism and Misogyny: Representations of Women in Discourse, Clothes, and Sports (1927–1937)


Research Interests

Urban Culture

Gender Politics

Chinese Science Fiction

