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Ph.D. (Anthropology), Columbia University
M. Phil. (Anthropology), Columbia University.
M. Phil. (Gender Studies/Government and Public Administration), CUHK
B. Soc.Sc. (Government and Public Administration), CUHK

关于 胡嘉明教授



Reinventing Chinese Tradition: Cultural Politics of Late Socialism (University of Illinois Press),通过分析政府、旅游资本、知识份子话语、与农民的乡村建设如何透过重新叙述民间文化而协商角力,探讨当代中国民间文化的再现与实践。

Reinventing Chinese Tradition

The Cultural Politics of Late Socialism

An eye-opening study of an evolving culture and society within contemporary China

The final destination of the Long March and center of the Chinese Communist Party's red bases, Yan'an acquired mythical status during the Maoist era. Though the city's significance as an emblem of revolutionary heroism has faded, today's Chinese still glorify Yan'an as a sanctuary for ancient cultural traditions.






Bordertown Thinker Series
The Chinese University Press




    • Cultural politics of state and society
    • Citizen-making and identity politics
    • Politics of tradition
    • Gender and nationalism
    • Waste and society
    • Non-human turn of humanities
    1. Living in the Anthropocene: Nature, Culture and Power (BA in Cultural Studies/GE in SDG)
      See students' works and presentation photos on the course Padlet. Click on tags to find how students contribute to a data base of environmental events in Asia.
    2. Introduction to Environmental Humanities: the China Debates (BA course Faculty of Art Package)
    3. Culture and Politics of Nationalism (BA course in Cultural Studies)
    4. Culture and Travel (BA course in Cultural Studies)
      See students final papers and presentation photos on the course wordpress.
    5. Thing Theory (Postgraduate Research Student Course in Cultural Studies)
    6. Culture and Politics of the Anthropocene (Taught MA in Intercultural Studies)
  • 曾获奖项

    1. (2020) Living with Waste included in 2020 Recommended Booklist, The Beijing News (Xinjing Pao)
    2. (2018-2019) Visiting Fellowship Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, UK
    3. (2018) Young Researcher Award, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    4. (2018) Internationalization Faculty Mobility Scheme (Outbound), Office of Academic Links, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    5. (2017) Research Submit Series, Chinese University of Hong Kong
    6. (2015) Faculty Humanities Fellowship, Chinese University of Hong
    7. (2014) Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award
    8. (2006-2007) Visiting Fellowship, Center of Asian Studies, Hong Kong University
    9. (2006) Julie How Fellowship, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University
    10. (2003) V.K. Wellington Koo Fellowship, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University
    11. (2000-2005) Mellon Fellowship, Anthropology Department, Columbia University
    12. (2000) Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship For Oversea Studies, Hong Kong



    1. (2021 Principal Investigator) Discourse of Takeout: ordering meals, digital practices and single-use plastic waste in China, HK$ 90000
    2. (2021 Principal Investigator) Hong Kong Wet Market go Plastic Free. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Action Fund, Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK$ 37000
    3. (2018-2020 Co-Investigator) Conservation of Ma On Shan Iron Mine. Built Heritage Conservation Fund project. Hong Kong Government, HK$ 1 million
    4. (2017-2018 Principal Investigator) The New Woman Citizen: Feminist Activism among Woman College Students in Guangzhou. Direct Grant, Faculty of Arts, Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK$ 70,000
    5. (2016-2019 Principal Investigator) The Cultural Politics of Volunteering and the Making of Urban Identities in Beijing. General Research Fund, Research Grant Council, Hong Kong, HK$ 480,000
    6. (2014-16 Principal Investigator) Volunteering in China: Grooming New Citizens among Governments, Corporates and NGOs in Guangzhou and China, South China Research Grant, Asia Pacific Institute, CUHK, HK$ 130,000
    7. (2014-15 Principal Investigator) Volunteers as New Citizens: Volunteering from the NGOs' Perspective in Beijing, Direct Grant, Faculty of Arts, CUHK, HK$ 92,000
    8. (2012-13 Principal Investigator) Miss Etiquette: Hyper-femininity and Nation-making in South China, South China Research Grant, Asia Pacific Institute, CUHK, HK$ 50,000
    9. (2011-2012 Principal Investigator) Red-tourism: An ethnographic study of staging and understanding revolutionary memory in contemporary Yan’an, Direct Grants, Faculty of Arts, CUHK, HK$ 70,000
    10. (2008-2010 Co-Investigator) Families in Transition: Investigating New Family Models and Family Dynamics in Mainland China, Large-scale Departmental Research Fund, Department of Applied Social Sciences, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK$ 500,000
    11. (2003-2005 Principal Investigator) Speaking Bitterness: History, Culture and Politics in Modern China. Dissertation Field Research Grant, Wenner-Gren Foundation, US$ 20,000




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Professor Wu Ka Ming | Research keywords for Cultural Studies: Waste Studies