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学术研究 - 研究生论文

M.Phil. in Cultural Studies

Rethinking, Relearning and Reacting with Bodies: A Study of Body Art in 2010 – 2020 in Hong Kong

Tse Lok San 谢乐生

M.Phil. 2022


Ambiguous Positioning: A Case Study of Independent/Alternative Art Spaces in Beijing

Maria Romanova

M.Phil. 2021


微博中的「参与式审查」: 中国网络耽美群体的活动与分歧( 2011-2020)

Wang Yiming 王亦鸣 (Gender Studies)

M.Phil. 2021



Xiao Chengjie

M.Phil. 2019


Fantasizing Masculinities in the Globalized Cinema: A Study of Women's Reception of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Hong Kong

Lee Chi Shing 李志成 (Gender Studies)

M.Phil. 2019


From Thinking Like a Mountain to Empathising with Cetaceans: The Anthropocene, Animals, and Affective Ecocriticism

Tang Sum Sheung 邓心常

M.Phil. 2019



Dong Muzi 董牧孜

M.Phil. 2016


Takarazuka, Cosplay and Danxou Practice – Female Cross-dressing in Popular Culture

Lam Wing Nga 林咏雅

M.Phil. 2016



Lee Wai Ming 李惠铭

M.Phil. 2016



Chan Sin Yuk 陈倩玉

M.Phil. 2015


Reinvent Narration: A Translingual Study of Han Song’s Science Fiction

Fan Yilun 范轶伦

M.Phil. 2015


Cheng Chung Pong 郑中邦
M.Phil. 2014


革命的性别与性别的革命 --- 透视茅盾和蒋光慈「革命加恋爱」小说中的革命女性 
Ko Chun Kit 高俊杰 
M.Phil. 2013


Negotiating Gender, Sexuality, Class and Ethnicity : Women-Loving Filipina Domestic Workers in Hong Kong 
Lee Yuk Yin 李育燕 (Gender Studies) 
M.Phil. 2013


城乡拉扯 --- 新界乡村学校在香港教育历史中的位置(1946-1997) 
Leung Lai Yan 梁丽欣 
M.Phil. 2013


香港政府治理戏剧的策略, 1945-1997 
Cheung Chui Yu 张翠愉 
M.Phil. 2013


艺卫旦后余丽珍 - 「断头与精怪美人」及「扎脚英雄」粤剧戏曲片分析 
Chan Hiu Ting  陈晓婷 (Gender Studies)
M.Phil. 2012


空间・族群・历史 --- 北京798艺术区 
Zhang Ti 张媞 
M.Phil. 2012    


Cheung Wing Sze Viola 张咏思
M.Phil. 2011


Melodramatizing Hong Kong Cinema: Imag(in)ing Hong Kong in the Work of Ringo Lam Ling-tung
Loi Ho Man 雷浩文
M.Phil. 2011


The Question of Choice and Meaning: A Critical Examination of the Debate of Veiling through the Case of Tunisia
Chi Zeyu 池泽钰 (Gender Studies)
M.Phil. 2011


Tang Ching Kin 邓正健
M.Phil. 2010


Body, Performance and Labor of Life Models in Hong Kong
Chan Hau Ying 陈巧盈(Gender Studies)
M.Phil. 2010


电影院於香港社会、经济脉络下的经营状况 --- 以百老滙电影中心作为阐释对象
Ng Kwok Kwan 吴国钧
M.Phil. 2010


Herstories: The Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Film Festival

Pang Ka Wei (Gender Studies)
M.Phil. 2009


Li Cho Kiu
M.Phil. 2009  


Zhou Weiwei
M.Phil. 2008


Cheung Yuen Ki
M.Phil. 2008


The Myth of Chinese 'Six Generation' Cinema and its Subversiveness
Tam Wai Fung
M.Phil. 2008


Time, Body and Artifacts: Late Qing Science Fictional Response to Western Science and Technology
Choi Pak Cheong Ken
M.Phil. 2007


Hidden from History - Representation of Women in the Hong Kong Museum of History and the Search for Alternatives
Hui Pui Lam Jodie
M.Phil. 2007


Hong Kong Film Policy- A Critical Study
Chung Simon
M.Phil. 2007


Huang Weizi
M.Phil. 2007


小丑・贫儿・模范:张乐平的 “三毛”
Shen Yijia
M.Phil. 2007


Confinement and Transgression: the Queer Landscapes of Families in Chenxue’s Novels
Wong Oi Lun
(Gender Studies) 
M.Phil. 2007


Spectatorship in the Hong Kong Cinema: Cop Films and Female Police Officers
Cheung Hoi Yan
(Gender Studies) 
M.Phil. 2006


Cross-dressing, Queer Possibilities, and Hong Kong Cinema in the Nineties: A Study of He's a Woman, She's a Man, Who's the Woman, Who's the Man and Swordsman 2
Ho Wing Shan
M.Phil. 2006


Refracting the Deep Ecology- Ecofeminism Debate: Self/ Nature relationship in Wang Wei's Object- Centric Landscape Poetry
Lam Yee Man
M.Phil. 2006


Slash, Fandoms and Pleasures
Li Fung Kwan Amy
M.Phil. 2006


关读两种文本 – 独立制作录像短片<卵子体欲>及其放映后讨论内容【包括语言及网上文字讨论】的性别政治
Wong Choi Fung
(Gender Studies)
M.Phil. 2005


Chan Ying Hoi
M.Phil. 2004


Law Lap Man
M.Phil. 2004


The Alchemy of Advertising: Decoding TV ads in Shaping Postmodern Consumers' Behaviour 
Wong Wing See Michelle 
M.Phil. 2003


探讨「有机机械人」对「女性」角色的冲? -- 《异形》系列及《2019》 
Yeung Hiu Wai
M.Phil. 2003


徙置大厦与新公民 – 论香港早期徒置政策 
Cheung Siu Fai
M.Phil. 2002


Chan Chak Lui
M.Phil. 2001


Cheung Nga Yan
M.Phil. 2001


Cheung Kit Fung
M.Phil. 2001


Lam Yuen Man
M.Phil. 2001


技术时代的翻译与写作 – 以本雉明的「技巧」概念重新测绘鲁迅的写作地图 
Cheung Lik Kwan
M.Phil. 2000


A Feminist Study of Visual Monster: Sexual Hybridity in the Alien Monster
Tse Wing Han Phoebe 
M.Phil. 1999


SomeThing (Un)desirable: Serial Killers in Selected Contemporary Bestsellers and Films
Wan Rosa
M.Phil. 1999


The Gendered Vampired in Contemporary Culture: A Lesbian Feminist Reading
Yee Ina
M.Phil. 1999