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学术研究 - 研究生论文

Ph.D. in Religious Studies

Lived Experiences and the Christian Faith of the Catholic OFW Mothers in Hong Kong: Towards A Renewed Integral Pastoral Care for Migrants

Philip Lajo Fuentes

Ph.D. 2022


Resisting Manipulation: A Dialogical Study of Tillich and Foucault

Ho Siu Pun 何兆斌

Ph.D. 2022



Yao Tingting 姚婷婷

Ph.D. 2022


郭实猎(Karl Gützlaff)宗教文学观念与实践——以其「圣经演义」为核心

Li Cong 李聪

Ph.D. 2021



Wong Kit Fai 黄杰辉

Ph.D. 2021



Yim Tak Leung 严德良

Ph.D. 2021


Towards a Theological-Relational Understanding of Depression: a Qualitative Study of Hong Kong Christian Depressed Women's Experience

Chan Hiu Kwan 陈晓君

Ph.D. 2021



Lao Jiayi 劳加仪

Ph.D. 2021


A Traitor in the Shaping: Characterization of Judas in the Synoptic Gospels

Xie Ganlin 谢甘霖

Ph.D. 2021



Gao Lijuan 高丽娟

Ph.D. 2020



He Xuan 何璇

Ph.D. 2020


柏格理(Samuel Pollard)在滇黔川地区的传教思想与实践(1887-1915)

Hu Qingxin 胡清心

Ph.D. 2020


Pneumatology and Emergence: Paul Tillich in Dialogue with Science

Kung Wai Han 龚惠娴

Ph.D. 2020



Qi Guijuan 祁桂娟

Ph.D. 2020


Religious Perspectives on Environmental Issues: A Comparative Study of John B. Cobb, Jr. and Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Sayem Md. Abu

Ph.D. 2020


Interfaith Chaplaincy and Interreligious Hospitality

Peter Youngblood

Ph.D. 2020



Lee Chi Shing 李志诚

Ph.D. 2019


Love in Christianity and Buddhism: A Comparative Study of Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae and Śāntideva’s Bodhicaryāvatāra

Gu Rouyan 顾柔燕

Ph.D. 2019


晚清基督新教信徒的神学论述: 以《真理课选》(1881)为研究个案

Leong Fong I 梁凤仪

Ph.D. 2019



Xu Jun 徐俊

Ph.D. 2019


Toward a Process-feminist Ecotheology: A Synthetical Study of Ecotheologies of John B. Cobb Jr. and Rosemary Radford Ruether

Xie Caihong 谢彩虹

Ph.D. 2019



Li Hui 李辉

Ph.D. 2019



Zhang Lixia 张丽霞

Ph.D. 2019


Nanji Chongxu Miaodao Zhenjun: The Tianhuang zhidao taiqing yuce and Zhu Quan’s (1378-1448) Apotheosis as a Daoist God
Braga Schachter Bony
Ph.D. 2018
Kong Yan 孔雁
Ph.D. 2018
Monarchical Ideologies in Dialogue: A Study of the Gideon-Abimelech Narrative through Bakhtin’s Dialogism
Lee Sui Hung 李穗洪
Ph.D. 2018
Christian Eco-Theology in the Public Sphere: Theological Language and Ecology in Gordon Kaufman and Sallie McFague
Mok Kie Man Byran 莫介文
Ph.D. 2018
Redemptive Suffering in Catholicism: with Special References to the Autobiographies of Teresa of Avila and Thérèse of Lisieux
Yuen Hiu Tung 阮晓桐
Ph.D. 2018
Zhou Geshan 周歌珊
Ph.D. 2018



Feng Zilian 冯梓琏

Ph.D. 2017



Hu Jiechen 胡劼辰

Ph.D. 2017



Kwong Chi Leung 邝智良

Ph.D. 2017


清代道教医学经典《医道还元》研究―― 从治病到内丹修炼理论看道教与医学的关系

Luk Tsing Tsing 陆晶晶

Ph.D. 2017


Daoism and Society in Late Imperial Zhejiang: the History of the Tongbai Palace of Tiantai as the Result of Imperial Sponsorship, Local Elite Influence and the Activity of Regional Daoist Networks

Jacopo Scarin

Ph.D. 2017



Wang Zhixi 王志希

Ph.D. 2017



Zhang Yafei 张雅斐

Ph.D. 2017



Chen Qian 陈倩

Ph.D. 2016


From Particularism to Universalism: A Study of the Religious Meanings of the Cultic Metaphors in Romans

Fung Tsiu Chung Brian 冯绍聪

Ph.D. 2016



Hong Xiaochun 洪晓纯

Ph.D. 2016



Lam Sze Ting 林思婷

Ph.D. 2016


Body Imagery in the Book of Job

Lau Yiu Sang 刘耀生

Ph.D. 2016



Li Chengxin 李丞欣

Ph.D. 2016



Li Jing 李晶

Ph.D. 2016



Nie Li 聂利

Ph.D. 2016


Rethinking the Religious and the Secular in a Chinese Context: The Public Faces of Foguangshan in Contemporary Taiwan

Chan Fang Michael 陈放

Ph.D. 2015


南宋黄籙斋仪的发展与变革 --- 以蒋叔舆《无上黄籙大斋立成仪》研究为例

Leung Sze Wan Shirley 梁斯韵

Ph.D. 2015



Ma Bingtao 马炳涛

Ph.D. 2015


Contemporary Monastic Taoism: Process of Revival of the Leigutai Lineage

Karine Martin

Ph.D. 2015



Mok Kui Chi 莫巨智

Ph.D. 2015


近代佛教改革的地方性实践 --- 以民国南京的寺庙、组织、信众为中心

Shao Jiade 邵佳德

Ph.D. 2015



Wang Jiran 王计然

Ph.D. 2015


地方仪式与仪式剧 --- 以广西岑溪地区南渡镇为例

Xie Jian 谢健

Ph.D. 2015



Zhang Jia 张佳

Ph.D. 2015



Zhang Shaobo 张少博

Ph.D. 2015


「我是谁?」 :《马太福音》中的耶稣身份转化过程 --- 心理学的视角
Chou Kanny 周柬妮
Ph.D. 2014


A Sociorhetorical Interpretation of the Letter to Philemon in Light of the New Institutional Economics: An Exhortation to transform from Master-Slave Economic Relationship to Brotherhood Loving relationship
Ip Hon Ho Alex 叶汉浩
Ph.D. 2014


The Eucharist as a Countercultural Liturgy: An Examination of the Theology of Henri de Lubac, John Zizioulas, and Miroslav Volf
Au Yik Pui 欧亦沛
Ph.D. 2014


Yuan Hao 袁浩
Ph.D. 2014


The Protestant Quest for Contextualized Hymnology in Twentieth Century China: A Case Study of the Collaboration Between T.C. Chao and Bliss Wiant in the Contextualization of Chinese Hymns
Chen Ruiwen 陈睿文
Ph.D. 2014


Liu Jingjing 刘晶晶
Ph.D. 2014


Xu Tianji 徐天基
Ph.D. 2013


身份的寻索 --- 林语堂与基督教关系研究 
Yang Liu 杨柳
Ph.D. 2013


Chen Mingli 陈明丽
Ph.D. 2013


A Critical Examination of Joseph Ratzinger's Theological Approach to Religious Pluralism 
Mong Ih-ren Ambrose 孟一仁
Ph.D. 2013


Lam Chi Kin 林志坚 
Ph.D. 2013


对富人的接纳与呼召 – 路加对内对外策略的体现 
Yang Yan 杨砚
Ph.D. 2013


Zhu Yiwen 祝逸雯
Ph.D. 2013


Chen Xi 陈曦
Ph.D. 2012


Fu Xiao 傅晓
Ph.D. 2012


Lei Tin Kwan 李天钧
Ph.D. 2012


Li Ka Chun Gordon 李家骏
Ph.D. 2012


Liang Rong 梁容
Ph.D. 2012


从合一运动的视角诠释香港基督教史 --- 八十年代香港教会使命谘询会议为个案研究 
Tong Wing Sze 汤咏诗  
Ph.D. 2012


Wang Fuyi 王富宜  
Ph.D. 2012


Zhou Ruoyun 赵若云
Ph.D. 2012


Huang Wei 黄薇
Ph.D. 2011


Wang Xuesheng 王学晟
Ph.D. 2011


传统与处境 – 麦菲的隐喻神学及其对汉语神学的意义
Gao Jianqun 高健群
Ph.D. 2011


Ye Luofu  叶洛夫
Ph.D. 2010


Dou Yaping 窦亚平
Ph.D. 2010


别视角下的中华基督教女青年会研究 (1890-1937)
Qu Ningning 曲宁宁
Ph.D. 2010


Liu Yongsi 刘泳斯
Ph.D. 2010


Li Lili 李丽丽
Ph.D. 2010


Li Chung Hong 李骏康
Ph.D. 2010


GAO Zhe 高喆
Ph.D. 2009


XIAO Qinghe 肖清和
Ph.D. 2009


WONG Che Wai Simon 王赐惠
Ph.D. 2009


LI Zhe 李哲
Ph.D. 2009


LI Chun 李隽
Ph.D. 2009


LI Bing Quan 李丙权
Ph.D. 2009


锡安的复兴和重建---从40-66章的 “连续性”的视角诠释 “第三以赛亚”中的社群冲突
JIANG Zong Qiang 姜宗强
Ph.D. 2009


何明华及其与中国关系之研究 (1922-1966)
A Study of Bishop R.O. Hall and his Relationship with China (1922-1966)

Wu Qing 吴 青
Ph.D. 2008


A Critical Study on Yinguang and his Reconstruction of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism

Zhang Xuesong 张雪松
Ph.D. 2008


Death and Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark
Wan Siu Fai 温兆辉
Ph.D. 2008


全球宗教政治及宗教治理 : 一个宗教社会学的理论考察
The Global Religious Politics and Religious Governance: A Theoretical Perspective from Sociology of Religion

Liu Yi 刘 义
Ph.D. 2008


Meng Zhen Hua 孟振华
Ph.D. 2008


留美青年与上帝国度的追寻— 「北美基督教中国学生会」个案研究(1909-1951)
Leung Koon Ting 梁冠霆
Ph.D. 2008


Unscrambling the Mystic Orient --- Joseph Edkins’( L. M. S.) Theory of the Western Origin of the Chinese Civilization

Chen Zhe 陈 喆
Ph.D. 2008


清未民初基督新教来华传教士对中国佛教的诠释 – 李提摩太、苏慧廉和艾香德个案研究
An Interpretation of Chinese Buddhism by the Protestant Missionaries from late Ching Dynasty to The Republic of China – The Studies of Timothy Richard, William Edward Soothill and Karl Ludvig Reichelt
Lee Chi Ho 李智浩
Ph.D. 2007


Re-reading Genesis 1-3 in the Light of Creation Myths From Ancient Chinese Texts

Lin Yan 林 艳
Ph.D. 2007


Masao Abe and Buddhist-Christian Dialogue

Li Yijing 李宜静
Ph.D. 2007


God, Humanity and Nature: A Study of Cobb’s Ecological Theology

Wang Jun 王 俊
Ph.D. 2007


Divine Justice and Divine Providence in Tension: A Dual Rhetoric in the Book of Job

Zhang Ying 张 缨
Ph.D. 2007


John Henry Newman’s Idea of University and Its Relationship with his Religious Thought

Gao Xin 高 莘
Ph.D. 2007


Judgment in the Assembly of Gods: probing into the Psalm 82

Xu XueMei 徐雪梅
Ph.D. 2007


Women’s Ritual in China: Jiezhu (Receiving Buddhist Prayer Beads) Performed by Menopausal Women in Ninghua, Western Fujian
Cheung Tak Ching Neky 张德贞
Ph.D. 2007


Responsive to others: Evaluating Bonhoeffer’s Ethics in Chinese Context

Tang Sui Keung 邓瑞强
Ph.D. 2006


The Shen-xiao Movement and Lin Lingsu in Northern Song

Lee Li Liang 李丽凉
Ph.D. 2006


唐宋时期道士叶法善崇拜发展研究 ― 内道场道士、法师、地方神只
A Study On the Development of the Daoist Ye Fashan Cult in Tang and Song Period: Palace Chapel Daoist Priest, Ritual Master and Local Deity

Wu Zhen 吴 真
Ph.D. 2006


1950-1960 年代离散中华人基督徒身分的建构——以谢扶雅(1892-1991)为个案研究
Constructing Chinese Christian Identity in Diaspora during the 1950s and 1960s: A Case Study of Xie Fuya (1892-1991)

Ho Hing Cheong 何庆昌
Ph.D. 2006


Paul Tillich’s Idea of Love in the History of Ideas : With Special Reference to Nygrenian Doctrine of Love

Wang Tao 王 涛
Ph.D. 2006


Tao Hong Jing and His Exegetic Activities On Maoshan Revelations

Chen LeSong 程乐松
Ph.D. 2006


Han Lin's Duoshu (Book of Admonition) and Its Sino-Western Art of Preaching: A Chinese Catholic's Contribution to Communal Moral Suasion in Late-Ming Local Society

Lee Ling Hon 李凌瀚
Ph.D. 2006


On Chen Yuan's study of religions 

Liu Xian 刘 贤
Ph.D. 2005


神学美学中的基督论问题 ― 圣像争论专题研究
The Christological Problems in Theological Aesthetics --- A Case Study of the Iconoclastic Controversy and Icons
Sha Mei 沙 湄
Ph.D. 2005


Study on the Decalogue of the Hebrew Bible: A Cultural and Feminist Perspective 

Tian Hui Hua 田海华
Ph.D. 2005


A Study of Caigu (Vegetarian Women) in Southern Fujian

Liu Yi Yong 刘一蓉
Ph.D. 2005


The Quanzhen Taoism in the south of the Yangtze River: A research on its monasteries' development in six prefectures and a district (1271--1911) 

Wu Ya Kui 吴亚魁
Ph.D. 2005


Christianity and culture accommodation of Chinese overseas: The case study on Chinese Methodist community in Sarawak (1901--1951) 

Zhu Feng 朱 峰
Ph.D. 2004


北魏关中道教造像记研究:地域的宗教文化与仪式活动 ― 附造像碑文录校点
The Daoist epigraphs of the Northern Wei dynasty: A study of the Guanzhong district's religious culture and ritualistic activities with full transcribed texts of its Daoist epigraphs 

Zhang Zexun 张泽珣
Ph.D. 2003


Mutual influence and mutual interpretation of the two cultures: "The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven" and the Chinese intellectual tradition
Zhang Xiao Lin 张晓林 
Ph.D. 2003


Tao Xingzhi: A re-discovery of a Christian educator 

Ho Wing Hon 何荣汉
Ph.D. 2002


The relationship between humanity and nature in the thought of Paul Tillich: A study of ecological theology 

Chan Ka Fu Keith 陈家富
Ph.D. 2002


基督教与中国宗教相遇 ― 许地山研究
Christianity meets the Chinese religions: A case study of Xu Dishan 

Chan Wai Keung 陈伟强
Ph.D. 2002


A study of "The Complete Text on Loyalty and Piety in Jing-ming Taoism" 

Guo Wu 郭 武
Ph.D. 2002


Zhang Chun-yi's Buddhist-Christian theology 

So Yuen Tai 苏远泰
Ph.D. 2002


Indigenous church as an offspring of pneumatic Christianity: A re-examination of the development of Christianity in modern China 

Yeung Tin Yan 杨天恩
Ph.D. 2002


中国的一个基督教乌托邦:耶稣家庭(1921-1952) 的历史研究
A Christian utopia in China: A historical study of the Jesus Family (1921--1952) 

Tao Fei Ya 陶飞亚
Ph.D. 2001


Idea and practice of religious education and social change in China: A study of Timothy Tingfang Lew (1891--1947) 

Wu Chang Shing 吴昶兴
Ph.D. 2001


Ethics of the Daoist Eschatological Belief in the Six Dynasties:
A Study of Taishang Dongyuan Shenzhoujing Chapters 1-10

Chow Wai Yin 周惠贤
Ph.D. 2000


Taking Up Worldly Causes with a World-Rejecting Spirit: The Religio-Political Identity Negotiation of the Chinese Christian,Xu Baoqian (1892-1944)

Yeung Kwok Kung 杨国强

Ph.D. 2000



Yang Li 杨莉

Ph.D. 2000


Collaboration as an alternative mode of anti-colonialist resistance : a postcolonial of the Asia-West binarism inscribed in the Asian theological movement

Kwan Shui Man Simon 关瑞文

Ph.D. 1999