

To recognize Mrs. Lam Yu Lai Ling, Teresa’s spirit and dedication to serve for the betterment of our society as well as to honour her significant contribution in the social work field, The Big Fish Award is established.

Teresa graduated in 1973 from The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Bachelor of Social Science Programme in Social Work. She devoted the next 19 years of her life to Caritas-Hong Kong upon graduation and strengthened their services, particularly in youth and community development. She then held various leadership positions in Caritas. Moreover, Teresa co-founded Club O in 2004 to promote green living, encouraging people in Hong Kong to live positively, healthily and with a deeper connection to life. In 2011, Teresa became a Dame of Magistral Grace of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta to serve underprivileged families in Hong Kong and also overseas to take care of the sick. Teresa also prioritised cultivating a loving family, nurturing the next generation with creativity and independence, and being the best listener and friend to anyone in need.

Her selfless generosity, optimistic encouragement, wise forgivingness, resilient capability and loving warmth left a deep impression on many of the people she served, co-workers, friends and family. Having lived a giving, caring and passionate life, she passed away peacefully and gracefully in August 2019.

The award title carries two meanings. Firstly, in memory of Teresa, the award is named after her nickname from the social work field – “大余”. Secondly, in English, “big fish” refers to an important and influential person in a company or an organisation. The Award aims to nurture dedicated social work students who are able to embrace, practise and pass on Teresa's vision, compassion, and spirit.


The Award 

The Big Fish Award for BSSc and MSSc Students

Every year, two students from the Bachelor of Social Science Programme in Social Work (BSSc) and two students from the Master of Social Science Programme in Social Work (MSSc) will receive the Big Fish Award. The scholarship value is HK$40,000 and HK$60,000 per BSSc and MSSc student respectively.

The Big Fish Award for Students Taking Part in Non-local Placements

A total amount of HK$50,000 per annum will be awarded to several students who will undertake non-local placements to be held in overseas regions such as Taiwan, Singapore, Australia and Canada.