Prof. Wong King-shui, Phyllis
Assistant Professor
B.S.W., M.Phil., Ph.D. (HKU); RSW 3943 5480This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Research Interests
- Quality of life of people with disabilities
- Self-determination of people with disabilities
- Staff training
- Resilience of caregivers of people with intellectual disabilities
Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications
Refereed Journal Articles
- Wong, P. K. S. (2022). Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of a group-based self-determination enhancement intervention for adults with mild intellectual disability and their caregivers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19031763
- Wong, P. K. S. & Chow, A. Y. M. (2021). Self-Determination Competencies, (Dis)Agreement in Decision-Making, and Personal Well-Being of Adults with Mild Intellectual Disabilities in Hong Kong. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182010721
- Wong, P. K. S. (2021). Searching for a dynamic equilibrium in decision making: the voices of adults with mild intellectual disability and their significant others in Hong Kong. Disability and Rehabilitation. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2021.1925978
- Wong, P. K. S., Wong, Y. C., & Kwan, C. L. (2020). Development and validation of the scale on staff valence under ICF-based practice (SSV-ICF). Disability and Rehabilitation. doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2020.1799247
- To, S. M., Wong, P. K. S., Tam, C. H. L., Kwok, K., & Lau, C. D. (2019). Sexual Compulsivity, Sexual Self-Concept, and Cognitive Outcomes of Sexual Behavior of Young Chinese Hong Kong Males with Compulsive Sexual Behavior: Implications for Intervention and Prevention. Children and Youth Services Review.
- Leung, T. T. F., Wong, Y. C., Wong, P. K. S., & Chan, S. K. L. (2019). Administrative buy-in for user participation in managing social services. Journal of Social Service Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/01488376.2018.1537947
- Wong, P. K. S. (2018). The Application of a Positive Behaviour Support Model for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities: A Pioneering Study in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Mental Health, 44(1), 4-16
- Wong, P. K. S., Wong, D. F. K., Zhuang, X. Z., & Liu, Y. (2017). Psychometric Properties of the AIR Self-Determination Scale – Chinese Version (AIR SDS-C) for Chinese People with Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research , 61(3), 233-244 http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jir.12343
- Wong, P. K. S., Fong, K. W. & Lam, T. L. (2015). Enhancing the Resilience of Parents of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities through Volunteering: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 12 (1), 20-26. https://doi.org/10.1111/jppi.12101
- Wong, P. K. S., Wong, D. F. K., Schalock, R. L. & Chou, Y-C. (2011). Initial validation of the Chinese Quality of Life Questionnaire – Intellectual Disabilities (CQOL-ID): A cultural perspective. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 55 (6), 572-580. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2788.2011.01412.x
Research Reports, Books & Video
- Wong, P. K. S. (2022). A manual for a group-based self-determination enhancement intervention for adults with mild intellectual disability. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work of CUHK (ISBN: 9789628264223).
- Wong, P. K. S. (2021). Public education videos on self-determination of people with intellectual disabilities. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work, CUHK.
- Wong, P. K. S. (2021). All about service users: Positive behaviour support practice manual. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work of CUHK and the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong.
- Wong, P. K. S. (2019). Study report on employment situations of people with visual disabilities 2018. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work of CUHK and Hong Kong Blind Union
- Wong, P. K. S. & BSW students (2015). Days & Nights: Photos of life situations of caregivers of people with disabilities (Departmental Monograph Series: Number 57). Hong Kong: Department of Social Work & Social Administration of HKU and the 1st Step Association. (ISBN:978-988-13978-0-5)
- Leung, G. S. M, Wong, P. K. S., Lo, J. Y. S & Hui, H. S. K. (2014). Evaluation report on social work skills laboratory course for the undergraduate students (Departmental Monograph Series: Number 55). Hong Kong: Department of Social Work & Social Administration of HKU. (ISBN: 978-962-86424-8-9)
- Wong, P. K. S. & BSW students (2014). Survey Report on Sports for All: Participation of People with Physical Disabilities in Hong Kong (Departmental Monograph Series: Number 56). Hong Kong: Department of Social Work & Social Administration of HKU. (ISBN:978-962-86424-9-6).
- Wong, P. K. S. (Ed.) (2013). Together we can create an inclusion lens. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work & Social Administration of HKU.
- Wong, P. K. S. (2012). Report on Resilience Study for the Hong Chi Caring Angel Project. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work & Social Administration of HKU & Hong Chi Association.
- Wong, P. K. S. & BSW students (2009). Report on Investigation on the Barrier-free Environment in Chained Fast Food Shops in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work & Social Administration of HKU (In Chinese, 1000 copies).
- Wong, P. K. S. (2006). Report on Survey on Leisure Patterns and Constrains of Adults with Mild Grade Intellectual Disabilities in Tuen Mun/Yuen Long District. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work & Social Administration of HKU & Fu Hong Society.
- Wong, P. K. S. (2004). Supporting self-determination of service users with intellectual disabilities: A staff manual. Hong Kong: Mental Health Association of Hong Kong & Department of Social Work & Social Administration, HKU.
- Wong, P. K. S. (2004). Self-determination《空間自決》. (VCD product). Hong Kong: Mental Health Association of Hong Kong & Department of Social Work & Social Administration, HKU. (In Chinese, 2000 VCD copies).
Key Community Services
- Advisor, Rehabilitation Service Division Advisory Committee, The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council
- Trustee, Y.F. Hui Social Work Trust Fund
- Honorary Consultant, Hong Kong Christian Service
- Advisor, So-Biz project, Hong Kong Council of Social Services
- Member, Sub-committee on DAC cum Hostels, Mental Health Association of Hong Kong
- Member, Public Affairs Forum, Home Affairs Bureau, HKSAR
Awards and Honors
- (2019) Internationalisation Faculty Mobility Scheme (Outbound) for 2019–20 awarded by The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- (2016) Best Oral Award awarded by The 8th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health
- (2012) HKU 81 Inclusion Fund awarded by the CEDARS of the University of Hong Kong
- (2010) Best Abstract Award (Researcher) awarded by the 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: the Agenda
- (2010) Certificate of Recognition on the Achievement of Excellence in Promoting Equal Opportunities awarded by the Equal Opportunity Unit of the University of Hong Kong