Prof. Leung Yuk-ki, Timothy
Associate Professor of Practice in Social Work
B Soc. Science (CUHK) MSW (HKU) PhD (CUHK), RSW, Accredited Gestalt Therapy Practitioner 3943 7519This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Research Interests
- Emotion Focused Intervention
- Gestalt Therapy
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Integrated Social Work Practice
- Therapeutic Group work and Family Education for families, couples, individuals
- Gamblers and their spouses
Selected Publications
- Grace Leung, Leung Yuk Ki & Monica Ng Lai Tuen (2013). An outcome study of Gestalt oriented growth workshops in International Journal of Group Psychotherapy.
- 黃幹知、梁玉麒.編著 (2013)。《一呼百應:二百個訓練活動帶領技巧》。於社會工作小組叢書六。梁玉麒、游達裕、黃幹知主編。香港:策馬出版。
- Leung Yuk Ki (2012) Gestalt as a way of being. Chemical Industry Press (CIP) China: Beijing. (Translated into Chinese by Longdi and Yau Kwok Wai)
- 梁玉麒、游達裕、區結蓮、張敏思編著 (2011)。《千帆並舉:社會工作小組新貌》。於社會工作小組叢書一。梁玉麒、游達裕、黃幹知主編。香港:策馬出版。
- Renita Wong Yuk Lin, Leung Yuk Ki and Dorcas Lau (2009). Behind the allure of gambling: A qualitative exploration of the existential yearnings of Chinese men with problem gambling in Hong Kong. International Gambling Studies.
Awards and Honors
Exemplary Teaching Award of Faculty of Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2006-7)