CUHK Programme Exploration Day 2021
Mini Lecture & Alumni Sharing of BSc in Public Health
Registration now and know more about our programmes and Public Health !
Date: 26 May 2021, Wed
Language: Cantonese (supplemented by English)
Platform: Online ZOOM
【Application of Biostatistics and Epidemiology on COVID-19 Surveillance|生物統計學及流行病學於監察新冠肺炎之應用】& Alumni Sharing
(Time) 10:00am
by Prof. Marc CHONG, Assistant Professor | Alumni
【Should I receive COVID-19 vaccine in Hong Kong?|新冠肺炎疫苗之十問十答】& Alumni Sharing
(Time) 12:00 pm
by Prof. Martin WONG, Professor | Alumni
Registration here
Deadline: 24 May 2021 (Mon), 11:59pm
CUHK Programme Exploration Day 2021
一年一度的中大課程探索日又即將來臨, 每年,為了讓同學仔了解更多有關中大的課程與入學資訊,各大課程都會舉辦各項活動, 萬勿錯過!
CUHK Programme Exploration Day is coming!
This is annual event, which aims at to provide students with an opportunity to explore CUHK programmes and admission information, a series of online activities are waiting for you to join.
Activity Website 活動網站