Emergency Response Level – General Information
(Effective date: 20 September 2022)
In response to the latest situation of COVID-19, CUHK Medical Centre (the Hospital) has adopted the following measures with effect from 20 September 2022:
Access Control
- For precautionary needs, apart from users of hospital services, i.e. patients, persons accompanying outpatients and visitors of inpatients, all other visitors are required to make appointment in advance.
General Information
All visitors are required to screen on history of Fever, Travel, Occupation, Contact and Clustering (FTOCC) and receive temperature check before getting into the Hospital.
All visitors are required to wear surgical masks at all times. Visitors who do not comply with this rule will be asked to leave.
- The following persons would be directed to Emergency Medicine Centre for medical consultation1
- Persons presented with fever OR acute respiratory symptoms OR pneumonia OR symptoms included but not limited to sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhoea, vomit, recent loss of taste/ smell
- Persons under compulsory testing notice but cannot provide all the negative RAT or COVID-19 PCR test results
- Persons who have recovered from COVID-19 but within 10 days after symptom onset or 1st positive test (for asymptomatic persons)
- The following persons would be directed to COVID Medical Station for medical consultation (advance booking is required)2
- Persons tested positive for COVID-19 by either rapid antigen test (RAT) or PCR and wish to seek medical advice
- Persons under quarantine, including quarantine at home, hotel, residential care home for elderlies/ disabled1
They are otherwise respectfully declined to enter the hospital compound for other purposes.
Note 1: Please refer to the Emergency Medicine Centre Special Arrangement for RAT requirement.
Note 2: Please refer to COVID Medical Station for service details.
Please note that the above-mentioned measures are subject to change in accordance with the epidemic situation without prior notice and CUHKMC reserves the rights for final decision.