
Committee on Space Allocation

Chairperson: Mr Eric S.P. Ng, Vice-President (Administration) and University Secretary
Members: One College Head/Master nominated by the Administrative and Planning Committee
Professor Fong Wing Ping
One Member nominated by the Resource Allocation Committee
Professor Anthony T.C. Chan
One Professor nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
Professor Chan Sun On
Registrar (ex-officio)
Ms Kitty Yu
Director of Campus Development (ex-officio)
Mr Li Sing Cheung
Director of Estates Management (ex-officio)
Mr Edmond Lam
Director of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development (ex-officio)
Mrs Cecilia Lam
Secretary: Ms Sulan Wong, Smart Campus Section, Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office

The Committee on Space Allocation (COSA) is a subcommittee under Administrative and Planning Committee (AAPC). Its terms of reference are as follows:

 1. To make recommendations to AAPC on:

  1. the formulation of policies on space allocation, and
  2. long-term planning of space allocation in light of the further expansion of University programmes and physical development projects through consultation and negotiation with the concerned units.

 2. To administer space allocation and utilization matters, including:

  1. the monitoring of space utilization in various facilities on campus (with the exception of student hostels and staff residences) and where necessary, initiating the reorganization of space, and
  2. considering of requests from faculties, departments or units for additional space within the context of the existing space allocation and policy planning.
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