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Getting Involved

Plastic-free Campus

pfc logo The University launched the 'Plastic-free Campus' campaign in 2018 to encourage CUHK students, staff and caterers to work together to go 'plastic-free' and build a sustainable green campus by discontinuing the use of plastic disposables.

The campaign focuses on four key plastic disposables:

Bottled water</br>
containers of 1L or below

Bottled water
containers of 1L or below

Polyfoam meal containers

Polyfoam meal containers






From 1 January 2021
  • Discontinue the sale or supply of plastic bottled water of 1L or below on campus
  • Discontinue the use of polyfoam meal containers in catering outlets and events on campus
2019–2020 Installation of more 'Go Green Water Stations' on campus
March 2019 Joint-University Sustainability Campaign, 'UNIfy: BYO'
September 2018 Launch Ceremony

6 Ways to Go Plastic-free

Bring Your Own (BYO)

Make your own light and reusable 'Plastic-free Kit' (consisting of a water bottle or coffee cup, a meal container, a cutlery set and a straw), and use it for all meals you eat on campus.

Refill Your Water Bottle

There are over 80 water dispensers on campus, so you no longer need to buy bottled water.  With the help of the 'CUHK Mobile' app (iOS/Android) and online map, you can easily find a nearby water dispenser.

Rent Reusable Tableware for Events

Reusable tableware can be rented or borrowed from the following sources:

Check Out the Offerings from Our Canteens

A number of CUHK catering outlets provide BYO discounts to students and staff.

Photo by Pratik Gupta on Unsplash

Read the Latest Green News and Tips

Here are our picks of local eco-conscious channels:

Spread the Green Message

Influence your fellow students and colleagues by sharing these materials:

Enquiries: srsdo@cuhk.edu.hk

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