Re-filming with Depth-inferred Videos

Guofeng Zhang        Zilong Dong        Jiaya Jia         Liang Wan         Tien-Tsin Wong         Hujun Bao

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 15, No. 5, September 2009, pp. 828-840.



Compared to still image editing, content-based video editing faces the additional challenges of maintaining the spatio-temporal consistency with respect to geometry. This brings up difficulties of seamlessly modifying video content, for instance, inserting or removing an object. In this paper, we present a new video editing system for creating spatio-temporally consistent and visually appealing re-filming effects. Unlike the typical filming practice, our system requires no labor-intensive construction of 3D models/surfaces mimicking the real scene. Instead, it is based on an unsupervised inference of view-dependent depth maps for all video frames. We provide interactive tools requiring only a small amount of user input to perform elementary video content editing, such as separating video layers, completing background scene, and extracting moving objects. These tools can be utilized to produce a variety of visual effects in our system, including but not limited to video composition, "predator" effect, bullet-time, depth-of-field, and fog synthesis. Some of the effects can be achieved in real-time.





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    author   = {Guofeng Zhang and Zilong Dong and Jiaya Jia and
                Liang Wan and Tien-Tsin Wong and Hujun Bao},
    title    = {Refilming with Depth-inferred Videos},
    journal  = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization
                and Computer  Graphics},
    month    = {September},
    year     = {2009},
    volume   = {15},
    number   = {5},
    pages    = {828-840},