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  1. What is CU Link
  2. Which organization is responsible for CU Link?
  3. What is stored inside my CU Link?
  4. How can I get my CU Link?
  5. What is CU Link PIN? What is my initial PIN?
  6. Can I keep my card when I leave the University?

1.  What is CU Link?

For introduction about CU Link, please refer to About CU Link > Introduction

2. Which organization is responsible for CU Link?

The Chinese University of Hong Kong is responsible for determining the eligibility of an individual to obtain a CU Link. Information systems and access control systems making use of CU Link implemented on campus are deployed and managed by the University.


3. What is stored inside my CU Link?

You may refer to the Help Corner > CU Link Privacy


4. How can I get my CU Link?

For information on getting your CU Link , please refer to Get CU link > Card Issuance


5. What is CU Link PIN? What is my initial PIN?

For information about CU Link PIN, please refer to About CU Link > CU Link PIN


6. Can I keep my card when I leave the University?

You should return the card to the CU Link Card Centre or via your department to Card Centre when you leave the University. All functions of your CU Link will be terminated when you graduate from or end your service within the University. Please be reminded that tokens stored in your CU Link are neither refundable nor transferable.
