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Latest CU Link Design for Students & Staff 

With Contactless Chip only and Mifare ID printed at back


With Contactless Chip Only


With Both Contact and Contactless Chips

The Smart University ID Card – CU Link 

CU Link is designed to be an all-in-one card for university students and staff. The introduction of smartcard chip makes CU Link a truly multi-functional smart card, an effective and convenient digital device that you carry on and off the campus. CU Link could be used to access different services and facilities at various locations, for example, the University libraries, computer laboratories, sport centres and hostels. Applications of CU Link include identity authentication and physical access control.

For more technical information please refer to Technologies Section.

Organization responsible for CU Link

The Chinese University of Hong Kong is responsible for determining the eligibility of an individual to obtain a CU Link. Information systems and access control systems making use of CU Link implemented on campus are deployed and managed by the University.

10-digit Student ID (effective from 1 July 2010)

Starting from 5 July 2010, all new CU Link issued for students are assigned with a unique 10-digit University Student ID (USID). This USID is used for students’ different stages of studying at the University, and even after graduation. Besides, to be environmentally responsible, we would not request current students to replace their CU Link due to the change in USID format.

Current 8-digit USID New 10-digit USID Effective from
1 July 2010
Student admitted in academic year of
N/A Initiated with “11” + 8 digits
i.e. 1155123456
Students admitted in academic year of 2009-11 or before
(except students graduating in Jul/Aug 2010)
07123451 Prefixed with “10” + 8 digits of current USID ,
i.e. 1007123451
Students graduating in July/ August 2010 06123451 Remain unchanged
i.e. 06123451

*Please be noted that Staff ID is not affected and it is kept in the format of 6 characters.

For more information about the 10-digit Student ID Format, please visit CUSIS homepage at

No contact chip on card face (starting from 2019)

Due to the decommissioning of the contact chip, the card face of CU Link issued on or after 2019 does not have the contact chip. Both original and new designs of CU Link card face are valid CU Link designs. No arrangement will be done to replace existing cards. For details, please click here.

