BAI, Haoli
Ph.D., class 2021
Researcher, Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab, Hong Kong
After obtaining the Ph.D. degree from the department of Computer Science and Enginnering in 2021, I joined Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab as a Researcher. I enjoyed four wonderful years during my PhD study in the CSE department, when I learned all necessary things to be a qualified researcher. I sincerely appreciate the support from my supervisors Prof. Michael R. Lyu and Prof. Irwin King, as well as the CSE department, which builds my career to explore the wonderful artificial intelligence as my job. Best wishes to our department and students.
GAO, Xiaojie
Ph.D., class 2021
Post-doctoral, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
It is a fantastic experience to study at the CSE department during my PhD life. The courses are intriguing and inspiring, and I have learned a lot of required knowledge in my research field. Professors are willing to discuss with students whenever they have questions, contributing to my ability to conduct research independently. Also, the supporting staff are amicable and patient in solving my problems, like the study scheme or GPU setting. Although life is not always smooth, the excellent people and facilities always made me cheer up to face the difficulties in life and study. Years passed in the blink of an eye, and happy memories dominated most of my time. It is my great pleasure to be a member of CSE, and this experience brings me invaluable treasures for my future.
XU, Hao
Ph.D., class 2021
Founder, Qianzhi Technology Ltd.
The four years of Ph.D. study in the CSE department is a hard but fruitful journey, which is full of intense thinking and work. With the help of nice professors, warm-heart labmates, and helpful staff, I can fully devote myself to solving different challenging research problems, learn technical writing, experiments designs, coding, etc. The four-year immersive learning experience in the CS department will be the greatest asset in my life.
Now I’m leading a company (the first company to develop mass-customization technologies for assembly-based objects) of more than 50 members, who come from a large diversity of backgrounds and work together towards a common goal. I meet new challenges every day from different aspects. Every time I think the problem is intractable, I remember the hard times that I went through in my Ph.D. study: the complex code doesn’t work, all experiments fail, my papers are rejected. I can also remember the encouraging words from my supervisor Prof. Fu, and Prof. Tao. All the people I met and the challenges I experienced helped me be bolder and actively embrace new challenges.
ZHOU, Yanning
Ph.D., class 2021
Researcher, Tencent AI LAB
Last year I graduated from CSE and joined Tencent AI LAB as a researcher. Luckily, I can continue the research direction in my PhD study, to explore the AI technique for healthcare. Although it is challenging to do applied research in the industry as we need to pay more attention to realistic factors and consider the reliability of the algorithm in the clinic, it is also an opportunity to do tech for good and take social responsibility. I am grateful for the study opportunity and excellent research environment provided by the school, to allow me to learn about cutting-edge technologies and think about how to let techniques approach problems to improve people’s lives.
YUNG, Man Lee Lily
BSc. in Computer Science, class 2016
Data Engineer, Goldman Sachs
It has been more than 5 years since I joined the Market Data Engineering Team in Goldman Sachs. Working in an investment bank has never been easy. As my team spreads globally in America and Europe, I often need to work long hours and have late night meetings. Recently I became a mother. I would like to spend more time with my little one, while still striving for the best in my career. Sad to say, this is generally less expected from men, and you need to put in extra effort to prove yourself when it comes to competition. Although it was really tough and tiring, it was a very rewarding experience. Throughout the years, I did grow a lot in my career. There is no reason to stop a woman from doing great in career while taking care of the family.
FOK, Tsz Ki
BSc. in Computer Science, class 2013
Vice President – Front Office Developer, Societe Generale Securities (HK) Limited
Since graduation from Computer Science, I started working in the financial industry, from application support, to agile dev-ops, to development for front office. The knowledge I have acquired as an engineering student allowed me to work in different roles in the technology field and adapt rapidly. I obtained a master’s degree in finance 3 years after college, which allowed me to further develop the career path in the financial industry. I am thankful for all the opportunities that the Engineering Faculty has offered to me and enjoyed the time we spent at CUHK a lot.