Mr. LIU Xiaopei, a PhD student supervised by Prof. Wong Tien Tsin, was the Champion of the Postgraduate Student Research Paper competition 2008-09. The event was organised by the IEEE (HK) Computational Intelligence Chapter.
His paper entitled “Intrinsic Colorization” presents an example-based colorization technique robust to illumination differences between grayscale target and color reference images. It first recovers an illumination-independent intrinsic reflectance image of the target scene from multiple color references obtained by web search. The reference images from the web search may be taken from different vantage points, under different illumination conditions, and with different cameras. Grayscale versions of these reference images are then used in decomposing the grayscale target image into its intrinsic reflectance and illumination components. Colors are transferred from the color reflectance image to the grayscale reflectance image. The final result is obtained by relighting the colorized reflectance image with the illumination component of the target image.