Mr. Fan Bin Received Scholarships of Over HK$2 million by Carnegie-Mellon University

Mr. Fan Bin from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering has been accepted into a Ph.D. programme at Computer Science Department in Carnegie Mellon Unveristy with scholarships for full tuition fee and living expenses each month, which will be over 2 million Hong Kong dollars for five years.

Mr. Fan Bin came from the Anhui Province and finished his Bachelor degree in the University of Science and Technology of China(USTC). He then became a MPhil. student at the Deparment of Computer Science and Engineering in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has stated applying for PhD. programmes since December last year and been accepted by Carnegie Mellon University in only a month. Apart from Carnegie Mellon University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Michigan University, Georgia Institute of Technology and University of Texas at Austin also accepted him and offered scholarships to him. He finally chose Carnegie Mellon University because it is a top institution in the US, especially in the areas related to computer. The Ph.D. programme in Computer Science Mr. Fan would enroll into ranked No.1 in the US in US News 2006.

When he was in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Mr. Fan was co-advised by Prof. John C.S. Lui from the Deparment of Computer Science and Engineering and Prof. Dah-Ming Chiu from the Deparment of Information Engineering. His research interest lies in distributed system such as P2P networks. Mr. Fan,together with his two advisers, has published quite a number of papers about networks such as BT, preparing him to become a famous figure in the academic world and being accepted by several well-known universities in such a short period of time. His attention to research did not make him disconnected from university life. For example, his participated in in the Vice-Chancellor’s Cup of Student Entrepreneurship, CUHK and won the second-runner-up award in Postgraduate team sector.

Prof. Lui expressed pride for the achievements of Mr. Fan. Receiving excellent offers from the well-known institutions has proven that Mr. Fan’s high level of research has already attracted attention from the international academic world. Prof. Lui also stated that quite a number of students from the Faculty of Engineering also received offers and scholarships from top institutions including Princeton University, Columbia University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of California, Berkeley over time. For example another bachelor student from the department also received a scholarship of more than 1 million Hong Kong dollars from the University of Toronto for the study of master and doctoral degrees. Professor also thought this noted the excellence of CUHK’s education and scientific research and encouraged more students to enter into CUHK for high-quality education and research.