The CUHK launched “Computational Data Science”, A New Bachelor of Science Degree


Extracted from CUHK News Centre, Communications and Public Relations Office, dated 23 November 2021

CUHK launches four new Bachelor of Science programmes

In an era of rapid technological change, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is committed to equipping students with interdisciplinary skills to meet the challenges of the future, and prepare them to become global leaders. In the 2022-23 academic year, CUHK will launch four new Bachelor of Science programmes including three interdisciplinary programmes jointly offered by different Faculties and one undergraduate programme offered by the Faculty of Science.

BSc in Computational Data Science (JS4416)

In today’s information age, the demand for data analysts in both local and global employment markets is growing daily. To meet this rapid pace of change, the CUHK Department of Computer Science and Engineering and the Department of Statistics have jointly developed a Bachelor of Science degree in Computational Data Science (CDAS) to provide students with the in-depth academic training in big data processing, high-performance parallel and distributed computing, data-driven statistical procedures, methodologies and theories, computational statistics, machine learning and data mining. The programme provides four specialisations so that students can apply the core knowledge of computational data science to different science, engineering, and medicine disciplines: (a) Computational Data Science, (b) Computational Physics, (c) Computational Medicine, and (d) Computational Social Science. Thus, students will be able to develop cutting-edge massive data analytics and management solutions that are of practical interest to academics, industry, and society.








解社會問題 跨學科新趨勢






計算數據科學課程由理學院統計系和工程學院計算機科學與工程系聯合開辦, 該新課程囊括計算機科學(Computer Science) 和統計數據(Statistics)兩個課程的內容,學生不僅能學習有關深入運算的知識,亦能獲得扎實的數理分析能力。

該新課程為四年制,學生首學年將學習編程、線性代數等基礎內容;第二年會接觸數理分析技巧及Python、 R、SAS等編程語言;第三年學習並行計算、人工智能等熱門知識;第四年則深入專項研究,除了計算數據科學方向之外, 學生還能選修計算物理(Computational Physics)、計算醫學(Computational Medicine)或計算社會科學(Computational Social Science)。中大理學院統計學系助理教授陳健威表示,大數據有各種形式,包括文字、圖片、錄像等,學生若對分析社交媒體、政策等方面的數據感興趣,可選修計算社會科學。


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