CUHK Golden Striker takes the crown.
The Artifice of Eternity: Irwin King’s Ponderings on Man and Machine
The quest for intelligence sent King on a journey in artificial intelligence and machine learning, lasting more than three decades.
AI Technology Navigates Microrobot Swarm in Complex Environments Inside Human Body
An AI navigation system that can make millions of microrobots autonomously reconfiguring their motion and distribution according to environmental changes.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Adopts Department-based Admission to Help Students Chart a Clear Development Path
中大計算機科學與工程學系獨立收生 助學生制定清晰發展路向
Computational Data Science Programme Integrates Knowledge of Statistics and Computer Science to Cultivate Interdisciplinary Talents
中大計算數據科學學士課程 糅合統計學與計算機科學知識 培養跨學科專才