CSE Account Password & VPN

Reset Account Password

You may reset the password at Technical Team Office (SHB1001) or send the request to techteam[@]cse.cuhk.edu.hk using your @Link (@link.cuhk.edu.hk) email address.


Change Account Password

Please connect to CSE VPN first, then follow the guideline in CSE Intranet to change your account password.


Accessing CSE Servers Outside (setting up IPsec VPN)

For students, please follow the IPsec VPN connection guideline here. (CUHK O365 login required)

For staff, please follow the IPsec VPN connection guideline here. (CUHK O365 login required)


Accessing CSE Servers Outside (setting up OpenVPN)

OpenVPN is a SSL VPN service that allows users to securely connect to the CSE network from outside, and enables them to access internal servers or restricted websites.

You can use either IPsec VPN or OpenVPN service. Feedbacks from CSE users indicate that OpenVPN is more accessible in Mainland China.

Effective from 31 Aug 2020, only one login session is allowed. If you need more CSE VPN Connection, please use IPSec VPN.

  • Supported Platform
    1. Microsoft Windows
    2. Android
    3. Apple macOS
    4. Apple iOS
    5. Linux
  • Install OpenVPN Connect Client
  • Import Profiles
    • Execute OpenVPN Connect Client
    • Click ⊕ (+) button
    • Enter URL: https://openvpn.cse.cuhk.edu.hk
    • click NEXT
    • Enter your CSE username and Linux account password
    • click IMPORT
  • Connect to VPN Server
    • Execute OpenVPN Connect
    • Select the profile to connect
    • Enter your CSE username and Linux account password
    • Click OK
    • Configuration
      Access Server URL https://openvpn.cse.cuhk.edu.hk
      Username CSE username
      Password Linux account password
    • Notes
      Idle timeout 15 minutes
      Session timeout 4 hours
  • Help