科目一覧 | 香港中文大学 日本研究学科 Menu


Term 1 (2022-2023)
Type Code Title Lecturer Lang Periods Room
Elective JASP 5620* Japanese Cultural Identity Prof. LEE Wood Hung C/J Mo 07:00PM – 09:30PM WMY 406
Elective JASP 5060A Special Topics in Japanese Studies:
Pan-Asianism in Modern Japan
Dr. LIN Chaochun P/C Tu 07:00PM – 09:30PM CYT 203
Elective JASP 5060B Special Topics in Japanese Studies:
Modern Japanese Visual Culture
Dr. Simon TU C/E We 07:00PM – 09:30PM WMY 406
CORE JASP 5519 Tradition and Modernity in Contemporary Japan Prof. Lynne NAKANO E Th 07:00PM – 09:30PM WMY 403
Elective JASP 5530 Special Topics in Japanese Studies:
Japanese-Chinese Translation
JLPT N1 level required
Dr. GUO Yingxia J/P Sa 10:00AM – 12:30PM WMY 301
Elective JASP 5613 Thematic Studies of Japanese Film Prof. TAO Kwok Cheung C/E Sa 02:30PM – 05:00PM ELB LT3
WMY 406(only for 15 Oct class)
Elective JASP 5700 Independent Research Project Prof. NG Wai Ming C/E Irregular NRR

Points to note:

  1. *JASP 5620: Not for students who have already taken #JASP2250/ JASP3310/ JASP3120
  2. Teaching mode varies upon the pandemic situation, please pay attention to announcements from the Programme/Graduate School time to time.
  3. Students can take more than one Special Topic course under the same course code
  4. All course outlines are for reference only and subject to changes.
Term 2 (2022-2023)
Type Code Title Lecturer Lang Periods Room
Elective JASP 5060E Special Topics in Japanese Studies:
The Global Japanese
Prof. Reijiro AOYAMA E Mo 07:00PM – 09:30PM WMY 408
Elective JASP 5060C Special Topics in Japanese Studies:
Contemporary Japanese Architecture Through Key Concepts
Prof. Hiroyuki SHINOHARA J/E Tu 07:00PM – 09:30PM WMY 306
CORE JASP 5601 Theory and Methods in Japanese Studies Prof. Simon TU C/E We 07:00PM – 09:30PM WMY 306
Elective JASP 5615 Anthropology of Japan Prof. Lynne NAKANO E Th 07:00PM – 09:30PM WMY 408
Elective JASP 5530 Special Topics in Japanese Language:
Japanese Dialectology
JLPT N2 level required
Dr. Sanea UEDA J Fr 07:00PM – 09:30PM ARC G01
Elective JASP 5060D Special Topics in Japanese Studies:
Chinese Folk Culture in Tokugawa Japan
Prof. NG Wai Ming C Sa 10:00AM – 12:30PM WMY 408
Elective JASP 5700 Independent Research Project Prof. NG Wai Ming C/E Irregular NRR

Points to note:

  1. Teaching mode varies upon the pandemic situation, please pay attention to announcements from the Programme/Graduate School time to time.
  2. Students can take more than one Special Topic under the same course code
  3. All course outlines are for reference only and subject to changes.
Summer Term (2022-2023)
Type Code Title Lecturer Lang Periods Room
Elective JASP 5501 Teaching Japanese as a Secondary Language
JLPT N1 level required
Prof. Miho GODA J

Tu 07:00PM – 09:30PM

Th 07:00PM – 09:30PM

Sa 10:30AM – 13:00PM




