學生 | 研究題目 | 指導教員 |
譚甜甜 | 儒式喪祭禮在近世日本的在地化 | 吳偉明教授 |
林沛濂 | 日本戲劇在現代香港的歷史及人類學考察(1980-2019) | 吳偉明教授 |
學生 | 研究題目 | 指導教員 |
蕭浩明 | 林羅山的神儒融合思想 | Prof. Ng Wai Ming |
杜紹康 | 以國際藝術祭作日本邊陲地方創生:瀨戶內國際藝術祭的多點民族誌 | Prof. Lynne Nakano |
吳擇端 | 中日抱怨程度調節策略的比較研究 | Prof. Ho Chi Ming |
學生 | 研究題目 | 指導教員 |
勞俊文 | 香港日語學習者的條件句學習研究 – 從初階到高階 | Prof. Ho Chi Ming |
李維儉 | 《三國演義》 在德川日本的本地化研究 –以《通俗三國志》、《繪本通俗三國志》 及 《風俗三國志》為中心 | Prof. Ng Wai Ming |
學生 | 研究題目 | 指導教員 |
范瀞云 | 日本大學的 (Ōendan):尋找應援團紀律、承諾和表現對隊員的意義 | Prof. Lynne Nakano |
丁依若 | 曲亭馬琴與中國四大奇書 | Prof. Ng Wai Ming |
梁明德 | 國家社會主義在東亞早期發展主義中的作用: 西原龜三的 «經濟立國策» 及其後 | Prof. Jeremy Yellen |
學生 | 研究題目 | 指導教員 |
林超純 | 本田成之對中國經學史的研究與貢獻 | Prof. Ng Wai Ming |
學生 | 研究題目 | 指導教員 |
SKUTLIN, John Michael | Japan, Ink(ed): Tattooing as Decorative Body Modification in Japan | Prof. Lynne Nakano |
LEE, Wilson Wai Shing | Learning from the Rising Sun: The Japanese Presence in Hong Kong in the 1970s and 1980s | Prof. Ng Wai Ming |
WONG, Yee Lam Elim | Inheritance and the Transformation of the Cantonese Migrants in Yokohama Chinatown from the 1860s to the Present: A Case Study on Shatenki and the Xie Family | Prof. Ng Wai Ming |
LEE, Lok Hang Phoebe | Lesbian Single Women in Tokyo: Identity, Relationships and Community in a Heteronormative Society | Prof. Lynne Nakano |
TOMSOVIC, Philip Devin | The Emergence of Men’s Magazines in 1960s Japan | Prof. Jeremy Yellen |
學生 | 研究題目 | 指導教員 |
POON, Ka Tsun Keith | Gendered Fantasies and Transcultural Fandoms: Japanese Boys’ Love Subculture in Hong Kong | Prof. Lynne Nakano |
學生 | 研究題目 | 指導教員 |
SUN Qing | A New Generation of Young Female Chinese Migrants in Japan: A Study of their Motivations, Challenges, and Plans | Prof. Lynne Nakano |
CHI Chung-yen | 日本帝國下日本與臺灣之治安法律比較研究:以臺灣人的法律地位為中心 | Prof. Ng Wai Ming |
TSANG Tsz Wai | Japanese Elite Class Mothers in a Globalized World: A Study of Japanese Expatriate Mothers in Hong Kong | Prof. Lynne Nakano |
YAO Jie | Images of Japan in the Ming Pao in the Last Two Decades (1994-2014) | Prof. Ng Wai Ming |
DING Yiruo | 源義經在德川時代的歷史及文藝想像 | Prof. Ng Wai Ming |
學生 | 研究題目 | 指導教員 |
John M. SKUTLIN | Turning Goth in Japan: Subcultural Identity, Ritual, and Self-Expression | Prof. Lynne Nakano |
學生 | 研究題目 | 指導教員 |
LIN Chao Chun | 岡倉天心的中國文化觀:形成, 內涵及亞洲主義的定位 | Prof. Ng Wai MIng |
WONG Yee Lam | Chinese Education and Changing Cultural Identities among the Overseas Chinese in Modern Japan: A Study of Yokohama Overseas Chinese Women’s Association (YOCWA) in Yokohama Chinatown. | Prof. Ng Wai Ming |
學生 | 研究題目 | 指導教員 |
CHANG Haixia | 中国中上级日语专业学生对于改定常用汉字的习得及认知情况 | Prof. Ho Chi Ming |
LEE Wai Shing | 日治時期香港醫療衛生史的歷史考察: 以香港日報為主要參考 | Prof. Ng Wai Ming |
學生 | 研究題目 | 指導教員 |
CHENG Connie | A Study of Hong Kong Young Adults Going to Japan on | Prof. Ng Wai Ming |
NG Ka Shing | Soka Gakkai in Hong Kong: Localizing a Japanese New Religion in a Chinese Community | Prof. Ng Wai Ming |
學生 | 研究題目 | 指導教員 |
SUN Lin | How Young People Find Meaning through Fandom and Consumer Culture | Prof. Lynne Nakano |
學生 | 研究題目 | 指導教員 |
WONG Yat Yu | Perceptions of “the Other”: Overseas Experiences of Japanese and Chinese University Students | Prof. Lynne Nakano |
HE Xiao | In Pursuit of Beauty, Pleasure, and Freedom: The Meanings of Cosplay for Hong Kong Young People | Prof. Lynne Nakano |
學生 | 研究題目 | 指導教員 |
IU Yiu | Japanese Voice Goes Global and Local: Globalization and Localization of the Japanese Seiju Culture in an Asian Context | Prof. Ng Wai Ming |
WONG Ching Wa Alana | Seeking Alternative Identities: Changing Masculinity among Fashionable Young Men in Hong Kong | Prof. Lynne Nakano |
學生 | 研究題目 | 指導教員 |
LAM Wing Sze | Adventures in Hong Kong: Migration Decisions, Adaptations and Re-adaptations of Japanese Expatriate Wives | Prof. Lynne Nakano |
碩士學生 | 研究課題 | 指導教員 |
趙偉強 | On Transnational Fandom of Japanese Virtual YouTubers 日本虛擬網絡直播創作者的跨國迷文化研究 |
Professor Nana Okura Gagne |
梁寶欣 | Anime Pilgrimage: A Case Study on Otaku Tourism as Strategy for Regional Sustainability in Numazu City and Awa Island, Japan 聖地巡禮︰從日本沼津市及淡島探討「宅旅遊」作地區可持續發展的策略 |
Professor Nana Okura Gagne |
博士學生 | 研究課題 | 指導教員 |
CAIRNS-DORAN, David Alexander | Journey to the Clouds: The Practical and Ritual Dimensions of Mountain Use in Japan 雲端之旅:日本山脈運用的實踐和精神 |
中野幸江教授 |
黃穎 | The Production and Consumption of Comics in Contemporary China: Globalization, the State and Popular Culture 當代中國漫畫的生產與消費:全球化、國家與流行文化 |
中野幸江教授 |
姜可依 | Negotiating Asianisms: Japan and China amid Changing World-System, 1880s to the Present 亞洲主義與變動中的世界體系,1880年代至今 |
Professor Jeremy Yellen |
劉翠琁 | Homeland Creation: Travel and Japanese Nation-building in Global History, 1890s-1930s 鄉土構築:旅遊與全球史視覺下的日本國家建構 (1890-1930年代) |
Professor Jeremy Yellen |
梁明德 | Planism and the 'East Asian Miracle' - A Global Intellectual History 計劃主義與 ""東亞奇蹟"" - 一部環球的思想史 |
Professor Jeremy Yellen |
高慧君 | The Meaning of Japanese Home Cooking: Culture, Identity, Gender, Family and Consumption 從文化、自我認同、性別、家庭和消費角度看日本家庭料理的意義 |
中野幸江教授 |
梁广 | The Research on the Usage and Distribution in the Pragmatic Space of Apologetic Expressions in English, Chinese and Japanese 關於中日英三語中道歉用語功能及在語用空間內分佈的對比研究 |
何志明教授 |
黃震軒 | The Role of Yue (Musical) in Tokugawa Confucianism 「樂」在德川儒學的角色 |
吳偉明教授 |
曹嗣衡 | The Impact of Mao Zedong Thought on Japan during the Cultural Revolution 文革期間毛澤東思想對日本的衝擊 |
吳偉明教授 |
張金金 | Chinese Migrant Families in Japan 在日中國人家庭的變遷和延續 |
中野幸江教授 |