
- Gender & Sexuality
- Family & Reproduction
- Work, Culture & Wellbeing
- Exchange & Consumption
- Global Capitalism & Neoliberalism
- Work & Leisure
- Japan & U.S. Societies
- Gender & Sexuality
- Reproductive Health & Medicine
- Work & Leisure
- Overwork, Work/Life Balance, & Unemployment
Book & Book Chapters
- Gagné Okura, N. (2021) Reworking Japan: Changing Men at Work and Play under Neoliberalism. Cornell University Press.
- Gagné Okura, N. (2021) How to do fieldwork: Studying Japan in and outside of Japan. In Studying Japan: Research Designs, Fieldwork and Methods, edited by Nora Kottmann and Cornelia Reiher. Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos Press.
- Gagné Okura, N. (2017) Neoliberal Ideology and Shifting Salarymen Identities under Corporate Restructuring in Japan. In Edges of Identity: The Production of Neoliberal Subjectivities, edited by Jonathon Louth. University of Chester Press.
- Gagné Okura, N. (2016) Feeling like a ‘Man’: Managing Gender, Sexuality, and Corporate Life in After-Hours Tokyo. In Cultural Politics of Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Asia, edited by Tiantian Zheng. University of Hawaii Press.
Journal Articles
- Gagné Okura, N. (2020) From Employment Security to Managerial Precarity: Japan’s Changing Welfare-Work Nexus and its Impacts on Mid-Career Workers. Pacific Affairs, 93 (2): 379-400.
- Gagné Okura, N. (2019) Neoliberalism at Work: Corporate Reforms, Subjectivity, and Post-Toyotist Affect in Japan. Anthropological Theory, 20 (4): 455-483.
- Gagné Okura, N. (2018) “Correcting Capitalism”: Changing Metrics and Meanings of Work among Japanese Employees. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 48 (1): 67-87.
- Gagné Okura, N. (2018) The Life-Changing Magic: Fieldwork in Japan. German Journal on Contemporary Asia (ASIEN), 146: 33-46
- Gagné Okura, N. (2014) Romance and Sexuality in Japanese Latin Dance Clubs. Ethnography, 15(4): 446-468.
- Gagné Okura, N. (2011) Eating Local in a U.S. City: Reconstructing “Community” —a Third Place— in a Global Neoliberal Economy. American Ethnologist, 38(2): 281-293.
- Gagné Okura, N. (2010) The Business of Leisure, the Leisure of Business: Rethinking Hegemonic Masculinity through Gendered Service in Tokyo Hostess Clubs. Asian Anthropology, 9: 29-55.
- Gagné Okura, N. (2010) Reexamining the Notion of Negative Face in the Japanese Socio- Linguistic Politeness of Request. Journal of Language and Communication, 30(2): 123-128.