Associate Professor

Kinnia has been a faculty member of the Department of Japanese Studies at CUHK since 2003. Her research interests include East Asian cinema in a transnational perspective; Japanese history, society, and culture as represented in visual media; and depictions of World War Two in Asian and American film. Kinnia is the recipient of the Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award 2019; the Outstanding Performance in Teaching (Shaw) College General Education Course 2018/19; and the Excellence in Teaching Award 2018; and was nominated for the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2019 and for the Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2017. Kinnia received the Young Researcher Award from CUHK in 2009 and was selected as a Harvard-Yenching Institute visiting scholar in 2010-11.
Educational Background
M.A., Ph.D., University of Tokyo
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Current Research Projects
- The Japanese occupation of Singapore in visual media
Selected Publications
“Bad Father and Good Mother: Changing Masculinity in Post-bubble-economy Japan,” International Perspectives on Translation, Education and Innovation in Japanese and Korean Societies, David G. Hebert, ed., pp. 243-253, Switzerland: Springer, 2018 [English]
《中日韓電影:歷史、社會、文化》(Chinese-Japanese-Korean Cinemas: History, Society, and Culture), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2010, 228 pages [Chinese]
Japanese and Hong Kong Film Industries: Understanding the Origins of East Asian Film Networks, London & New York: Routledge, 2010, 288 pages [English]
《香港・日本映画交流史:アジア映画ネットワークのルーツを探る》(Interrelationships between the Hong Kong and Japanese Film Industries: An Investigation of the Roots of Asian Film Networks), Tokyo: The University of Tokyo Press, 2007, 407 pages [Japanese]