曾梓洋 講師
B.S.Sc. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
M.A. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(852) 3943-7701
(852) 2603-5007
Teaching Interests:
- Photography
- Documentary
- Creative Media
- New Media
Advice to students:
Be humble
Professional Experiences:
- Production manager, HK01 (2019-2021)
- Senior Photographer, Ming Pao Weekly (2012-2015)
- Photographer, Hong Kong Economic Times, Singpao Daily (2006-2012)
Awards Highlights:
- Multiple Awards in Focus on Frontline, Hong Kong Press Photographer Association, Hong Kong (2007, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2018, 2020, 2021)
- Taiwan Press Photographer Association Photo Award, Taiwan (2021)
- World Press Photo Witness, Photography of Humanity, USA (2020)
- Finalist, Lumix Festival for Young Visual Journalism, Hannover, Germany (2020)
- Telly Awards, Bronze Winner: General Online, USA (2020)