School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - 潘達培


eric poon


The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The University of Hong Kong


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 icon researchTeaching and Research Interest:

  • Documentary
  • Public Broadcasting
  • Creative media
  • Social movement and campaigning
  • Cross media Synergy
  • Reporting in China

 icon aboutAdvice to students:

Work more, Learn more.


icon researchProfessional Experience:

Executive Producer – Radio Television Hong Kong (2005-2012)

"Hong Kong Connection"( 鏗鏘集) ; "HKfile.X"(香港檔案.X)- an experimental cross-media project; "First time Producer"(首作影畫); "YTV"(年青人電視頻道)

Producer – Radio Television Hong Kong (1993-2005)
"Hong Kong Connection"( 鏗鏘集)

Veteran documentary producer, who has made over 100 documentaries for the flagship documentary series "Hong Kong Connection"( 鏗鏘集) of Radio Television Hong Kong since 1993.

icon researchImportant documentary works:

"Revolution 1911"(2011) (百年一願--上/下)- a two-hour episode on the anniversary of Chinese revolution 1911.

" I have no enemies – Liuxiaobo" (2011)(我沒有敵人-劉曉波)- the first Chinese Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.

"Twenty Years On"(2009)(走過二十年 - 回家/解結/延伸/守望)- a mini-series on the 20th anniversary of June 4th incident.

"Defending Justice In China" (2007) (扣著腳鐐跳舞的中國律師 --上/下)- a mini-series documents the opportunities and obstacles that face human rights lawyers in the Mainland China.

"Child Soldiers"(2001) (孩子上戰場)- a co-production with major public broadcasters, as field director filmed the problem of the displaced youth on the border of Burma and Thai.

icon researchTV Awards (highlight):

The Hugo/Chicago Television Competition (2011)- Silver Plaque in "Investigative Reporting/News Documentary" – "I have no enemies – Liuxiaobo" (我沒有敵人-劉曉波)

HKJA's Human Right Award -Grant Prize in TV feature人權新聞獎大獎(07)及The 4th Chinese University Journalism Award- Grand Award in TV feature第四屆中大新聞獎專題組/電子新聞大獎 (09)- "Defending Justice In China" (07) (扣著腳鐐跳舞的中國律師 --上/下)

The Child Rights Award by ABU/CASBAA/UNESCO and the Silver Prize at the New York Film Festival (2001) – "Child Soldiers" (孩子上戰場)

The Hugo/Chicago Television Competition (1996)- Silver Plaque –"A Place Called Home"(我在臨屋長大)

The International Media Excellence Award of the Association for International Broadcasting (AIB) - Best Mobile or Cross-Media Production (2010) - "HKfile.X"(香港檔案.X)- an experimental cross-media project