School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - 2001 - 2010 Academic Seminars

2001 - 2010 Academic Seminars



Prof. Wu Yi-chen 吳宜蓁

Graduate Institute of Mass Communication, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan

Visiting Period : 25/01 - 08/02/2010
Seminar : 重大危機事件時的風險溝通與新媒體科技使用——以 H1N1 為例
Date : 04/02/2010


Prof. Chang EE 張依依

Graduate School of Public Relations and Advertising, Shih Hsin University, Taiwan

Visiting Period : 25/01 - 08/02/2010
Seminar : 文創產業與公共關係
Date :04/02/2010


Prof. Ding Hegen 丁和根

School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University, China

Visiting Period : 25/01 - 08/02/2010
Seminar : 中國大陸的傳播符號學研究:理論淵源與現實關切
Date : 01/02/2010


Prof. Xu Jing 許靜

School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University, China

Visiting Period : 25/01 - 08/02/2010
Seminar : 新媒體環境下輿論監督的結構化發展
Date : 01/02/2010


Prof. Li Bin 李彬

School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University, China

Visiting Period : 29/01 - 08/02/2010
Seminar : 文化自覺:對當代中國新聞傳播的一點檢討
Date : 01/02/2010


Prof. Wu Yumin 吳予敏

School of Communication, Shenzhen University, China

Visiting Period : 25/01 - 08/02/2010
Seminar : 中國經驗對於傳播研究的價值和意義
Date : 01/02/2010


Prof. Zhang Kun 張昆

School of Journalism and Communication, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Visiting Period : 09/03 - 22/03/2009
Seminar : 中國媒介改革的政治限度
Date : 16/03/2009


Prof. Lu Di 陸地

School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University, China

Visiting Period : 09/02 - 22/02/2009
Seminar : 新媒體的強制性傳播和反傳播研究
Date : 16/02/2009


Prof. Kuo Liang-wen 郭良文

Department of Mass Communication, College of Information and Communication, Hsuan Chung University, Taiwan

Visiting Period : 08/01 - 21/01/2009
Seminar : 參與式傳播與民族誌之反思——以台灣蘭嶼原住民媒體資料庫之建置為例
Date : 14/01/2009


Prof. Yang Boxu 楊伯溆

School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University, China

Visiting Period : 05/01 - 18/01/2009
Seminar : 大陸互聯網的BBS與意識形態 (政治派別)
Date : 12/01/2009


Prof. Liu Yu-li 劉幼琍

Radio and Television Department, Chengchi University, Taiwan

Visiting Period : 05/01 - 18/01/2009
Seminar : 政策法規對新媒體平臺發展的影響:以大陸及台灣為例
Date : 12/01/2009


Prof. Zhan Jiang 展江

School of Journalism and Communication, China Youth Univeristy For Political Sciences, China

Visiting Period : 20/02 - 29/02/2008
Seminar : 新世紀以來中國大陸的輿論監督
Date : 25/02/2008


Prof. Dong Tiance 董天策

College of Journalism and Communication, Jinan University, China

Visiting Period : 17/02 - 25/02/2008
Seminar : 都市報崛起對於當代中國報業發展的意義與價值
Date : 25/02/2008


Prof. Peng Lan 彭蘭

School of Journalism and Communication, Renmin University of China, China

Visiting Period : 11/03 - 24/03/2007
Seminar : 中國網路媒體發展的特殊軌跡
Date : 23/03/2007


Prof. Huang Hu 黃瑚

School of Journalism, Fudan University, China

Visiting Period : 05/02 - 25/02/2007
Seminar : 大陸新聞法制:歷史,基本特點和內容
Date : 15/02/2007


Prof. Zhao Zhenyu 趙振宇

School of Journalism and Communication, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Visiting Period : 05/02 - 25/02/2007
Seminar : 程式的監督與監督的程式:中國個案
Date : 19/01/2007


Mr. Richard Stone

Science Journalist

Visiting Period : 24/11/2006
Seminar : Science Journalism: from Siberia to North Korea
Date : 24/11/2006


Prof. Tong Bing 童兵

School of Journalism, Fudan University, China

Visiting Period : 06/11 - 21/11, 2006
Seminar : 中國新聞傳媒體制改革的進程和困惑
Date : 10/11/2006


Mr. Wang Tai Peng

Journalist and Historian

Seminar : History as Journalism
Date : 08/09/2006


Dr. Sun Wei 孫瑋

School of Journalism, Fudan University, China

Visiting Period : 21/04 - 05/05, 2006
Seminar : 生活的政治 ─ 中國大陸都市報與民主政治
Date : 28/04/2006


Professor Yu Guoming 喻國明

School of Journalism and Communication, Remin University of China, China

Visiting Period : 27/03 - 15/04, 2006
Seminar : "拐點"與中國傳媒業的發展契機
Date : 31/03/2006


Professor Zhang Jinhai 張金海

College of Journalism & Communication, Wuhan University, China

Visiting Period : 10/03 - 23/03, 2006
Seminar : 消費資訊與廣告傳播─論網路與數位傳播時代廣告告知功能的回歸
Date : 17/03/2006


Professor Toh Lam Seng 卓南生

Faculty of Intercultural Communication, Ryukoku University, Japan

Visiting Period : 03/01 - 21/01, 2006
Seminar : 日本傳媒的亞洲報導與亞洲論
Date : 13/01/2006


Professor Huang Shengmin 黃升民

College of Advertising, Communication University of China, China

Visiting Period : 15/02 - 07/03, 2005
Seminar : Significant Developments of Digital TV in China
Date : 04/03/2005


Professor Wu Fei 吳飛

Department of Journalism and Communication / Research Institute of Journalistic and Social Development, Zhejiang University, China
中國浙江大學新聞與傳播學系 / 新聞傳媒與社會發展研究所

Visiting Period : 22/11 - 12/12, 2004
Seminar : 火塘、教堂與電視——獨龍族社區社會文化網路建構
Date : 6/12/2004


Professor Shao Peiren

Humanities College / Communication Research Institute, Zhejiang University, China
中國浙江大學人文學院 / 傳播研究所

Visiting Period : 06/03 - 26/03, 2004
Seminar : 未來中國媒介管理的十大趨勢
Date : 12/03/2004


Professor Pan Zhichang 潘知常

School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University, China

Visiting Period : 11/01 - 31/01, 2004
Seminar : Bringing to China the War of US-Iraq: Images on the Chinese Media
Date : 29/01/2004


Professor Chen Changfeng 陳昌鳳

School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University, China

Visiting Period : 14/02 - 6/03, 2003
Seminar : 重構中的中國新聞業
Date : 28/02/2003


Professor Shan Bo 單波

College of Journalism and Mass Medium, Wuhan University, China

Visiting Period : 28/10 - 17/11, 2002
Seminar : 中國大陸新聞傳播理論的演變
Date : 08/11/2002


Professor Chen Xianhong 陳先紅

School of Journalism, Information & Communication, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China

Visiting Period : 14/10 - 04/11, 2002
Seminar : Public Relations in China:Past, Present and Future
Date : 01/11/2002


Professor Huang Dan 黃旦

Journalism School, Fudan University, China

Visiting Period : 14/01 - 03/02, 2002
Seminar : Between Criticism and Watchdog Functions: Changes in the News Media of China
Date : 29/01/2002


Professor Ding Bochuan 丁柏銓

Department of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University, China

Visiting Period : 21/11 - 17/12, 2001
Seminar : 加入WTO後國內新聞傳播業所受影響及應對策略
Date : 10/12/2001


Professor Xiong Chengyu 熊澄宇

School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University, China

Visiting Period : 20/11 - 02/12, 2001
Seminar : WTO與媒介整合
Date : 23/11/2001


Professor Guo Liang 郭良

Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

Visiting Period : 15/11 - 28/11, 2001
Seminar : 互聯網在中國的使用狀況及影響
Date : 09/11/2001