School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - AU, Allan K. L.

AU, Allan K. L.


AU, Allan K. L.
Professional Consultant


The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Knight Fellow
Stanford University

University of Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong



icon tel (852) 3943-8696
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 icon research Research Interests:

  • Media Censorship and Self-censorship
  • Newsroom Social Control
  • New Media Evolution

icon research Current Research:

  • Constitutive Censorship
  • New Media Autonomy

icon research Teaching Interests:

  • Journalism Studies
  • Storytelling
  • TV News Documentary
  • Current Affairs Analysis
  • Media Ethics

  icon aboutAdvice to students:

Luck is for those who are prepared.

icon research Professional Experience:

  • (2010-2016) Host in RTHK talk shows and programs (Open Line Open View 《自由風自由phone》, This Morning《早辰早晨》, 《山水搜記》, 《天人之際》, 《七百萬人的先鋒》)
  • (1990-2010) Reporter, documentary producer, senior executive producer in TVB News, filming various documentaries and programs on current affairs and historical issues in Mainland China and Hong Kong.
  • (2001-2008) Host of News Magazine in TVB News (《新聞透視》) 


icon researchProfessional Awards (highlights):

Hong Kong Book Prize 香港書獎 (《傘聚》, Umbrella Union) 

Hong Kong Golden Book Awards 香港金閱獎 (《傘聚》, Umbrella Union)

(Please note that most of the following awards are program-based and merits should go to the whole production team in TVB. The bracket at the end of each line shows the working title in that particular project.)

A New Tale of Two Cities: Now and Then, (Merit, Best Documentary, New York Film Festivals 2011) [新雙城記︰今昔, 美國紐約電影電視節最佳紀錄片優異獎 2011] (Executive Producer, Producer)

60 years, A Nation: 60 years in a meal, (Silver World Medal, Best Documentary, New York Film Festivals 2010) [《六十年家國》系列之《溫飽以後》, 美國紐約電影電視節最佳紀錄片銀獎 2010] (Executive Producer)

Reforming China: 30 Years On: Path of No Return 《變革三十年:不走回頭路》 Human Rights Award (人權新聞獎大獎); RTNDA the Edward Murrow Award; Best Television Programmes Award, Television Programmes Appreciation Index Survey. (Executive Producer)

Notables, Quotables《新聞話事.人》。明報周刊, 最突出電視幕後精英大獎(Executive Producer, Producer)

Dam or Damned / Shiing-shen Chern, A Life in Mathematics, 《霸業》,《數學大師陳省身》, CUHK Journalism Award (Executive Producer, Producer)

Outstanding Employee Award, TVB

Asian Economy: Japan, Winner of Best News/Current Affairs, Asian Television Award. (Executive Producer)

WTO Challenge, The Peabody Award. (Executive Producer)

Hong Kong: The End of An Era, Bronze World Medal, Documentary, TV Programming, The New York Festivals. (Producer/Reporter)
Tung Chee-hwa: The Chief Executive, Bronze World Medal, Biography/Profiles, The New York Festivals (Producer/Reporter)



icon researchPublication List (Highlights):

《假新聞之戰:我要真,又要贏》。《因自由之名:香港反送中運動誌》,頁291-296。香港: 毫末書社,2020.06.

《同悲同喜網絡直播連續劇》。《因自由之名:香港反送中運動誌》,頁297-302。香港: 毫末書社,2020.06.

《廿二歲的你,聽說生於一九九七》。《因自由之名:香港反送中運動誌》,頁367-370。香港: 毫末書社,2020.06.

《那一天,我只是一個實習小記者》。《我是記者——六四印記》 陳慧兒, 郭達俊, 張結鳳, 楊健興, 陳伯添, 林褀娟,頁316-319。香港:香港記者協會,2019

《二十道陰影下的自由》,邊城思想者系列,頁1-324,香港:中大出版社, 2017


《年代小說‧記住香港》 (Our City, Our Decades)。香港︰Kubrick,2016

《傘聚》 (Umbrella Union)。香港︰天窗出版,2014

《我的奇幻國情教育》 (My Mysterious National Education)。香港:天窗出版,2012

《他他巴 走在絢麗與荒涼》 (Tata Bus)。香港:藍藍的天,2011

《潮池 浪遊二十國度的故事》 (Tidepools)。香港:藍藍的天,2009