School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - 2014 Greater China Visiting Scholar Programme

2014 Greater China Visiting Scholar Programme



Prof. Fan Dongsheng 范東升

Cheung Kong School of Journalism and Communication, Shantou University, China

Visiting Period : 21/01 - 25/01/2014
Seminar : 中國主要報業集團數位化轉型評析
Date : 24/01/2014


Prof. Liu Ruisheng 劉瑞生

Institute of Journalism and Communication, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China

Visiting Period : 16/01  - 25/01/2014
Seminar : 中國微博「熱」的「冷」解析
Date : 24/01/2014


Prof. Wang Xiaomei 王曉梅

School of Journalism and Communication, Northwest University, China

Visiting Period : 19/01 - 25/01/2014
Seminar : 中華人民共和國建國初期的「讀報組」活動及其功能
Date : 24/01/2014


Prof. Pei Xiaojun 裴曉軍

School of Journalism and Communication, Shaanxi Normal University, China

Visiting Period : 16/01 - 25/01/2014
Seminar : 政治家辦報:一個亟待澄清的概念
Date : 24/01/2014


Prof. Xu Xinmin 徐新民

Department of Journalism, College of Chinese Literature, Inner Mongolia Normal University, China

Visiting Period : 16/01 - 26/01/2014
Seminar : 中國大陸的微博江湖
Date : 24/01/2014


Prof. Sun Se-wen 孫式文

Department of Journalism, Chengchi University, Taiwan

Visiting Period : 16/01 - 25/01/2014
Seminar : 傳播創意的隱喻思維
Date : 24/01/2014