School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - TAM, Vivian W.W.

TAM, Vivian W.W.

vivian tam

TAM, Vivian W. W.
Senior Lecturer

Bachelor of Arts
University of Toronto

Master of Philosophy
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


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icon researchTeaching Interests:

  • Chinese News Writing
  • Feature Writing
  • Film, Culture and Identity
  • Gender Representation
  • Creative Social Campaigning
  • Media, Social Empowerment and Vulnerable Groups
  • Star Text in local and global context

icon aboutAdvice to students:

The more you learn, the less you know

icon researchPublication List:

Conference Paper

Start Text: Transnational Meanings of Chow Yun-Fat. Paper presented at: Year 2000 and Beyond: History, Technology and Future of Transnational Chinese Film and TV. The Second International Conference on Chinese Cinema. Department of Cinema and Television Hong Kong Baptist University April 19-21, 2000.

Book Chapters

譚蕙芸 (2017) <不談「民主」和「抗爭」,澳門最年輕議員蘇嘉豪這樣誔生>,《端傳媒》。

譚蕙芸 (2016) <風平浪靜才是入市的大時代 - 譚蕙芸訪問林本利>,《逆市求生,投資有道》作者林本利,頁200-209。亮光文化出版。

Author of three stories from "We Live - Life stories of 18 elderly people". 2014. Society for Community Organization.

《對話X佔領》,戴耀廷 譚蕙芸合著, 明報出版社有限公司, 2013

<學生要向政府說不 – 加拿大模式國情教學>,《為下一代覺醒》葉蔭聰編; 2012.天窗出版社有限公司 p. 172-181

《香港我主場 : 3.23民間全民投票實錄》王家勝編; 3.23民間全民投票支援聯席編委會; 2012. 顧問:鍾庭耀、譚蕙芸、張超雄

<迷死人> ,《普普香港 : 閱讀香港普及文化, 2000-2010》張志偉; 曾仲堅編; 2012.香港教育圖書公司 p.259-262 "

<「3.23」民間全民投票計劃>,《特首選戰・傳媒・民意》蘇鑰機編. 2012 天地圖書有限公司; p. 217-225

一人一故事--新聞人的心聲細語 . 蘇鑰機 張宏艷 譚蕙芸 李玉茹主編. 天地圖書有限公司 , 2010.

<論盡殯儀採訪;非彩虹下的約定>﹐,《目擊100天 : 沙士最前線》麥燕庭主編. 香港記者協會, 2004.