School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - FAN, Hua

FAN, Hua

FAN, Hua, Ph.D. Candidate

University Attended:

B.A. in Journalism, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China

M.A. in Journalism, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China

Phone: (852) 3943-7713
Fax: (852) 2603-5007
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Research Interests:

Cultural Studies, Popular Culture; Political Communication, Modernization in Contemporary China; Digital Culture; Communication Theory and Philosophy


Journal Articles:

  • Fan, H., & Lee, F. L. F. (online first). Judicial visibility under responsive authoritarianism: A study of the live broadcasting of court trials in China. Media, Culture & Society, DOI: 10.1177/0163443718807377

  • Lu, M., & Fan, H. (2018). I sang, therefore I am! Uses and gratifications of self-mocking memes and the effects on psychological well-being. International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning, 8(2), 35-50.

  • Zhang, Z. A., Fan, H. & Liu, Y. (2015). Can New Media Promote the Organic Community and Civic Participation in Contemporary China? A Case Study on the Government-Based Portal “” (in Chinese). Social Governance Review, 3, pp.111-119.

  • Ding, C. J., Zhang, G. P. & Fan, H. (2014). Heritages and Changes of the Pulitzer Prize: An Interview with Professor Sig Gissler (in Chinese). Lingnan Media Research, 3, pp.12-16.


Conference Papers:

  • Fan, H. (2019). Imported Medical TV Dramas and the Chinese Practice of Constructing Medical Professionalism. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 102th Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, August 7-10, 2019.

  • Fan, H. & Lee, F. L. F. (2018). Judicial visibility under responsive authoritarianism: a study of the live broadcasting of court trials in China. International Communication Association (ICA) 68th Annual Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, May 24-28, 2018.

  • Lu, M., & Fan, H. (2017). Self-mockery as an Alternative Social Strategy: Gratifications-sought, Need for Humor, Narcissism, and Self-Mocking Meme Usage. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 100th Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 9-12, 2017.

  • Fan, H. (2014). Live-Broadcasting the Death Penalty: The Reassembling of Power in the Cyber Space of Contemporary China (in Chinese). Guangdong Academic Forum for Postgraduate Students in Journalism and Communication 2014, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, March 30, 2014 (Top Paper).