School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - FANG, Kecheng

FANG, Kecheng



FANG, Kecheng
Assistant Professor

B.A. and M.A.
Peking University

University of Pennsylvania


icon tel (852) 3943-5353
icon fax (852) 2603-5007
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 icon research Research Interests:

  • Journalism
  • Political communication
  • Digital media

 icon research Current Research:

  • How media organizations deal with the journalism crisis
  • New actors in online content provision
  • How platforms and algorithms influence the information environment
  • The ideological landscape on Chinese media  

 icon researchTeaching Interests:

  • Journalism in the digital age
  • Media and politics
  • Media literacy

 icon aboutAdvice to students:

"The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge." – Bertrand Russell

icon researchPublication List:


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Fang, K., & Cheng, C. Y. (2022). Social media live streaming as affective news in the anti-ELAB movement in Hong Kong. Chinese Journal of Communication, 1–14. pdf

Guo, J., & Fang, K.* (2022). Where are the missing girls? gender inequality, job precarity, and journalism students’ career choices in China. Journalism, 1-19. (* corresponding author) pdf

Fang, K. (2022). Praise from the international community: How China uses foreign experts to legitimize authoritarian rule. The China Journal, 87(1), 72-91. pdf

Fang, K. (2021). What is Zimeiti? the commercial logic of content provision on China’s social media platforms. Chinese Journal of Communication, 1-20. pdf

Yang, T. & Fang, K. * (2021). How dark corners collude: a study on an online Chinese Alt-Right community. Information, Communication and Society. 1-18. pdf (* corresponding author)

Fang, K., & Repnikova, M. (2021). The state-preneurship model of digital journalism innovation: Cases from China. The International Journal of Press/Politics. DOI: 10.1177/1940161221991779 pdf

Fang, K. (2020). Turning A Communist Party Leader into an Internet Meme: The Political and Apolitical Aspects of China’s Toad Worship Culture. Information, Communication & Society, 23(1), 38-58.

Repnikova, M. & Fang, K. (2019). Digital Media Experiments in China: “Revolutionizing” Persuasion under Xi. China Quarterly. 239, 679-701.

Repnikova, M. & Fang, K. (2018). Authoritarian Participatory Persuasion 2.0: Netizens as Thought Work Collaborators in China. Journal of Contemporary China, 27(113), 763-779.

Fang, K. & Repnikova, M. (2018). Demystifying “Little Pink”: The Creation and Evolution of a Gendered Label for Nationalistic Activists in China. New Media & Society, 20(6), 2162-2185.

Fang, K. (2016). Investigating Party Media’s Resurgence on Social Media. Journalism Bimonthly (Xinwen Daxue), (3), 45-54.


Selected Non-Peer Reviewed Articles

Fang, K. (2017). "Guard against Fire, Theft, and Journalists": Public against Journalists in China. Media Asia, 44(1), 55-60.

Repnikova, M. & Fang, K. (2016, October). China’s New Media: Pushing Political Boundaries Without Being Political. Foreign Affairs.

Repnikova, M. & Fang, K. (2015, January). Behind the Fall of China's Greatest Newspaper. Foreign Policy.


Book Chapters

Fang, K. (2022). The tabloidization of party media: How the People’s Daily and CCTV adapt to social media. In S. I. Zhang (Ed.), Digital journalism in China (pp. 48–60). Routledge. pdf

Fang, K. (2022). “Rumor-Debunking” as a Propaganda and Censorship Strategy in China: The Case of the COVID‐19 Outbreak. In H. Wasserman & D. Madrid-Morales (Eds.), Disinformation in the Global South (pp. 108–122). Wiley-Blackwell. pdf

Bandurski, D., & Fang, K. (2020). Introduction - The rise and fall of Southern Weekly and the changing landscape of journalism in China: A pivotal event. In J. Guan, Silencing Chinese media: The "Southern Weekly" protests and the fate of civil society in Xi Jinping's China (pp. vii - xxiv). Rowman & Littlefield. pdf


Book Reviews

The American Journalist in the Digital Age: A Half-Century Perspective by Lars Willnat, David H Weaver and G Cleveland Wilhoit. Journalism, 2018.