School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - FUNG, Anthony Y. H.

FUNG, Anthony Y. H.

anthony fung

FUNG, Anthony Y.H.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota


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icon research C.V.:

icon research Honors:

  • Justice of Peace

icon research Appointments:

  • Director of Institute of Asia Pacific Studies
  • Director, Centre for Youth Studies
  • Director, Global Studies Programme

icon research Other Academic Appointments:

  • Professor, Beijing Normal University and Director, Centre for Digital Content and Creative Media, School of Arts and Communications, November 2015-present
  • Buffett Visiting Professor, Buffett Global Institute for Global Affairs, Northwestern University, January-March 2020
  • Pearl River Scholar Chair Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Jinan University and Guangdong Education Bureau, November 2013-October 2017

 icon research Selected Current Appointments outside University:

  • Chair, Media and Research Sub-Community under Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Relations of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), 2019-present.
  • Member, Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Relations of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), 2017-present.
  • Member, Board of Advisors, Radio Television Hong Kong, HKSAR, September 2018-present.
  • Member, Standing Committee on Language Education and Research (SCOLAR), HKSAR, July 2019-June 2021.
  • Non-Executive Independent Director, Gameone Holdings Limited, 2015-2021.

 icon researchResearch Interests:

  • Creative/ Cultural industries and Cultural Policy, with areas covering digital content, online/ mobile games, comics/animation, online novel, TV entertainment and films with emphasis on Asian models and comparative analysis
  • Popular Culture, Youth Culture and Cultural Studies focusing on issues such as cultural politics, gender, youth identities, fandom and online communities
  • Global Media and Communication with a particular focus on Chinese and Asian media

icon researchTeaching Interests:

  • Transnational and Digital Media
  • Creative Media
  • Popular Culture and Cultural Studies

 icon aboutAdvice to students: 

Work Hard and Play Hard.

icon researchPublication List:

Selected Academic Books


On Creative Industries and Cultural Policy

Anthony Fung and Alice Chik (eds). (2020) Made in Hong Kong. Global Popular Music Series. London: Routledge.

*Anthony Fung (2018) Cultural Policy and East Asian Rivalry: The Hong Kong Gaming Industry. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. logo-pdf

Anthony Fung (2016) (ed.) Global Game Industries and Cultural Policy. London: Palgrave Macmillan. signin

Joseph Chan, Anthony Fung and Chun Hung Ng (2009) Policies for a Sustainable Development of the Film Industry. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press. signin

*Anthony Fung (2008) Global Capital, Local Culture: Transnational Media in China. New York: Peter Lang. signin

Michael Keane, Anthony Fung, and Albert Moran (2007) New Television Globalization and East Asian Cultural Imaginations. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Cultural Studies Series. signin


On Popular Culture, Youth Culture and Cultural Studies

Scott Lash and Anthony Fung. (forthcoming) Cultural Logistics. Theory, Culture and Society Series. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

*Jeroen de Kloet and Anthony Fung (2016) Youth Cultures in China. New York: Polity Press. signin

Anthony Fung (2013) (ed.) Asian Popular Culture: the Global (Dis)continuity. New York: Routledge. signin

*denotes ten representative works
**denotes works co-published with graduate students



Selected Refereed Journal Papers


On Creative Industries and Cultural Policy

Fung, A. Y. H. (2021). Transnational flow of Chinese and UK fashion discourse: analyses of digital platforms and online shopping in China. Fashion Theory. pdf


楊盈龍 馮應謙(2020) 「本真性」塑造:垂直類音樂綜藝節目符號與意義的文化生產。《現代傳播》5: 100-104.

何威 曹书乐 丁妮 馮應謙 (2020) Job, Well-being and Sense of Fulfillment: Creative Workers on Short Video Platforms 工作、福祉与获得感:短视频平台上的创意劳动者研究。《新聞興傳播研究》6: 39-57.

Zhang, Q., & Fung, A. (Eds.) (2019). Introduction: Historicizing globalization—Popular musics in Asia and beyond, Special Section: Asian popular music: transnationality and globalization. Global Media and China, 4(4), 399-513. pdf

*Anthony Fung (forthcoming) Fandomization of Online Video or Television in China. Media, Culture & Society 41(7): 995-1010. (1c)  pdf

#Anthony Fung, Boris Pun, Yoshitaka Mori (2019) Reading Border-crossing Japanese Comics/anime in China: Cultural Consumption, Fandom and Imagination. Global Media and China 4(5): 125-137. pdf

*Ni Ding, Wei Zhou and #Anthony Fung (2018) Emotional Effect of Cinematic VR compared with Traditional Film. Telematics and Informatics 35(6): 1572-1579

# denotes corresponding author

**Qiaolei Jiang and Anthony Fung (2017) Games with a Continuum: Globalization, Regionalization, and the Nation-State in the Development of China’s Online Game Industry. Games and Culture 1-24 logo-pdf

Kim Dong Shin and Anthony Fung (2017) Temptation of Control in the Globalizing Creative Industries. Global Media and China 2(1): 3-7. signin

*Anthony Fung (2016) Strategizing for Creative Industries in China: Contradictions and Tension in Nation Branding. International Journal of Communication 10: 3004-3021 signin

Anthony Fung (2016) Comparative Cultural Economy and Game Industries in Asia. Media International Australia 159 (1): 43-52. signin

*/ **Lin Zhang and Anthony Fung (2014) Working as playing? consumer labor and the guild of online gaming in China. New Media and Society 16(1): 38-54 signin

Anthony Fung and John Erni (2013) Cultural Clusters and Cultural Industries in China. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 14(4): 644-656. signin

Anthony Fung (2006) `Think Globally, Act Locally’: MTV’s Rendezvous with China, Global Media and Communication 2: 22-88. signin



On Popular Culture, Youth Culture and Cultural Studies

He, W., Lin, L., & Fung, A. (2022). Online fiction writers, labor, and cultural economy. Global Media and China, 7(2), 1-14. pdf

Fung, A., He, W., & Cao, S. (2022). Cultural capitals and creative labour of short video platforms: a study of wanghong on Douyin. Cultural Trends. pdf

Fung, A., Ismangil M., He, W., & Cao, S. (2022). If I'm not streaming, I'm not earning: audience relations and platform time on Douyin. Online Media and Global Communication. pdf


Fung, A. Y. H., & Pun, B. L. F. (2021). The transforming Hong Kong polarized cultural identities: The cultural dynamic and relocation of Hong Kong cultural production. Social Identities. DOI: 10.1080/13504630.2020.1816953 pdf


*Anthony Fung (2019) Between dislocated and Relocated Inter-Asian Popular Music Studies: Academic Discourses and Possibilities. Popular Music 38(1): 121-127. pdf

Anthony Fung and Chi Kit Chan (2017) Post-handover Identity: Contested Cultural Bonding between China and Hong Kong. Chinese Journal of Communication 10(4): 395-412. logo-pdf

**Anthony Fung and Boris Pun (2017) Discourse and Identity in the Hong Kong Comic Magazine Teddy Boy. Global Media and China 1(4): 424-434. signin

**Xiaoxiao Zhang and Anthony Fung (2016) Global Format and Local Knowledge: an Ethnographic Studies of Television Production Communities. International Journalism 7: 138-149 (in Chinese).

Anthony Fung (2014) The iTunization of Pop: Mobile Music and Youth Social Networks. Perfect Beat 15(1): 23-43. signin

Anthony Fung (2013) Deliberating Fandom and New Wave of Chinese Pop: a Case Study of Chris Li. Popular Music 32(1): 79-89. signin

**Zhang Lin and Anthony Fung (2013) The Myth of 'Shanzhai' Culture and the Paradox of Digital Democracy in China, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 14(3): 401-416. signin

Anthony Fung (2010) Consuming Karaoke in China: Modernities and Social Contradictions. Chinese Sociology and Anthropology 42(2) [now renamed as Chinese Sociology Review]: 39-55. signin

John Erni and Anthony Fung (2010) Clever Love: Dislocated Intimacies among Youth. Emotion, Space and Society 3(1): 21-27. signin

Joseph Chan and Anthony Fung (2010) Structural Hybridization in Film and Television Production in Hong Kong. Visual Anthropology 24(1/2): 77-89. signin

Anthony Fung (2009) Rocking gender values: Sammi Cheng’s Androgynous Persona. International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management 2(3): 235-247. signin

Anthony Fung (2009) Faye and the Fandom of a Chinese Diva. Popular Communication 7(2): 252-266. signin

*Anthony Fung (2009) Fandom, Youth and Consumption in China. European Journal of Cultural Studies 12(3): 285-303. signin

Anthony Fung and Micky Lee (2009) Localizing a Global Amusement Park: Hong Kong Disneyland. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 23(2): 197-208. signin

Anthony Fung (2008) Global Cultural Industries: A Comparative Perspective. Chinese Cultural Industries Forum 8: 265-270 (in Chinese). signin

Anthony Fung (2008) Western Style, Chinese Pop: Jay Chou’s Rap and Hip-Hop in China. Asian Music 39(1) Winter/Spring: 69-90.  signin

*Anthony Fung (2007) The Emerging (National) Popular Music Culture in China. Inter-Asian Cultural Studies 8(3): 425-437. signin

Anthony Fung (2007) Intra-Asian Cultural Flow: Cultural Homologies in Hong Kong and Japanese Television Soap Operas. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 51(2): 265-286. signin

Eric Ma and Anthony Fung (2007) Negotiating Local and National Identifications: Hong Kong Identity Surveys 1996-2006. Asian Journal of Communication 17(2): 172-185. signin

Anthony Fung (2004) Postcolonial Hong Kong Identity: Hybridising the Local and the National. Social Identities 10(3): 399-414. signin

Fang Wan, Ronald Faber, and Anthony Fung (2003) Perceived Impact of Thin Female Models in Advertising: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Third Person Perception and its Impact on Behaviors. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 15(1/2): 51-73. signin

Anthony Fung (2002) Women’s Magazines: Construction of Identities and Cultural Consumption in Hong Kong. Consumption, Markets and Culture, 5(4): pp. 321-336. signin

Anthony Fung and Michael Curtin (2002) The Anomalies of Being Faye (Wong): Gender Politics in Chinese Popular Music. International Journal of Cultural Studies. 5(3): 263-290. signin

Anthony Fung (2002) Identity Politics, Resistance and New Media Technologies: A Foucauldian Approach to the Study of Hknet. New Media and Society 4(2): 185-204. signin

Anthony Fung (2001) What Makes the Local? A Brief Consideration of the Rejuvenation of Hong Kong Identity. Cultural Studies 15(3/4): 591-601. signin

Anthony Fung (2000) Feminist Philosophy and the Cultural Representation in the Asian Context. Gazette International Communication 62(2): 153-165.



On Global Media and Chinese Media

Chan, C. K., & Fung, A. Y. H. (2021). From soft power to sharp power: China’s media image in Hong Kong’s health crises from 2003 to 2020. Global Media & China, 6(1), 62-76. DOI: signin

**Xiaoxiao Zhang and Anthony Fung (2014) TV Formatting of the Chinese Ugly Betty: An Ethnographic Observation of the Production Community. Television & New Media 15(6): 507-522.  signin

Anthony Fung and Keysook Choe (2013) Affect in TV Drama: A Comparison between the Korean and Chinese version of Meteor Shower. Journal of Korean Studies 161: 363-399 (in Korean). signin

Anthony Fung and Xiaoxiao Zhang (2012) The signification of Modern Imagination in China: A textual study of Meteor Shower. Communication and Society 19: 59-76 (in Chinese). signin

*/ **Anthony Fung and Xiaoxiao Zhang (2011) The Chinese Ugly Betty: TV cloning and Local Modernity. International Journal of Cultural Studies 14(3): 265-276. signin

Anthony Fung (2007) Political Economy of Hong Kong Media: Producing a Hegemonic Voice. Asian Journal of Communication 17(2): 159-171. signin

Anthony Fung (2002) One City, Two Systems: Democracy in an Electronic Chat room in Hong Kong. Javnost: the Public 9(2): 77-94. signin

Jennifer Ostini and Anthony Fung (2002), Beyond the Four Theories of the Press: A New Model of National Media Systems. Mass Communication and Society 5(1): 41-56. signin

Tsan-Kuo Chang with Pat Berg, Anthony Fung, Kent Kedl, Catherine Luther and Janet Szuba (2001) Comparing Nations in Mass Communication Research. 1970-97: A Critical Assessment of How We Know What We Know. Gazette International Communication 63(5): 415-434.

Anthony Fung and Eric Ma (2000) Formal vs. Informal Use of Television and Sex Role Stereotyping in Hong Kong. Sex Roles 42 (1/2): 57-81. signin

Anthony Fung (1996) Politics of Media Economics and Economy of Media Politics: An Overview. Journal of Communication Inquiry 20(1): 99-113. logo-pdf

Anthony Fung and Chin-Chuan Lee (1994) Hong Kong's Changing Media Ownership: Uncertainty and Dilemma. Gazette International Communication 53: 127-133. signin




Special Issues for Journal Editorship

Anthony Fung (2020) Computational approaches to opinion dynamics research on social media. Telematics and Informatics.

Zhang Lun and Anthony Fung (2020) Opinion Dynamics Research on Social Media: Breakthroughs and Challenges. Telematics and Informatics 46(March).

Michael Keane and Anthony Fung (2018) Digital Platforms: Exerting China’s New Cultural Power in the Asia-Pacific. Media Industries Journal 5(1):

Kim Dong Shin and Anthony Fung (2017) (ed.) Policing Creative Industries: Perspectives and Cases. Global Media and China 2(1): 1-108.

Anthony Fung (2008) (ed.) International Cultural Industry. Chinese Cultural Industries Forum 8: 263-349.



Selected Refereed Book Chapters


On Creative Industries and Cultural Policy

Fung, A., & Chik, G. (2022). Netflix, the digital West in Asia: new models, challenges and collaborations. In Y. Kim (Ed.) Media in Asia: global, digital, gendered and mobile (pp. 41-52). Routledge. logo-pdf

Fung, A. Y. H., & Chik, G. H. N. (2021). When East Asian media industries are faced with digitalization: transformation and survival strategies. In McDonald P. (Ed.) The Routledge Companion to Media Industries (pp. 312-323). London: Routledge. pdf

Ismangail, M., & Fung, A. (2020). Esports: A Chinese sport? In Dai Yong Jin (ed.), Global esport: transformation of perceptions of competitive gaming (pp. 60-76). New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pdf

**Anthony Fung and Yiyi Yin (2019). New Productive Culture: Shanzhai or Second Degree of Creation? In Jeroen de Kloet (ed.) You Must Create. Rethinking the Creativity Discourse in China. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. pdf

**Boris Pun, Yiyi Yin, Anthony Fung (2019) eSports Gamers in China: Career Lifestyle and Public Discourse among Professional League of Legends Competitors. In Phillip Penix-Tadsen (ed.), Video Games in the Global South. Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University: ETC Press, pp. 183-196.

Henry Jenkins, Elizabeth Saad Correa, Anthony Fung and Tanja Bosch (2018) Making Media: Observations and Futures. In Mark Deuze and Mirjam Prenger (eds). Making Media: Production, Practices, and Professions. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam Press, pp 465-479.

Anthony Fung (2018) China-Japan Crossover Comics: Localization, Re-localization and Export. In Michael Keane, Brian Yeices and Terry Flew (eds.), Willing Collaborators: Foreign Partners in Chinese Media. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 109-121.

Scott Lash and Anthony Fung (2017) Cognitive Capitalism and Creative Industry. In Warren Neidch (eds.) The Psychopathlogies of Cognitive Capitalism: Part three. Archive Books, pp. 85-111.

**Cheung, Ka Fai and Anthony Fung (2016) Globalizing the Chinese Online Game Industry: Form Incubation and Hybridization to Structural Expansion in the Past Two Decades. In Anthony Fung (ed.), Global Game Industries and Cultural Policy. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 71-90.

Anthony Fung (2016) Creative Industry and Cultural Policy in Asia Reconsidered. In Anthony Fung (ed.), Global Game Industries and Cultural Policy. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 15-31.

Anthony Fung (2016) The Impact of the Rise of Mobile Games on the Creativity and Structure of the Games Industry in China. In Dal Yong Jin (eds.), Mobile Gaming in Asia: Politics, Culture and Emerging Technologies. New York: Springer, pp.91-103. logo-pdf

** Anthony Fung and Vicky Ho (2016) Cultural Policy, Chinese National Identity and Globalization. In Terry Flew, Petros Iosifidis and Jeanette Steemers Eds. Global Media and National Policies: The Return of the State. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 106-121. signin

**Anthony Fung and Vicky Ho (2016) Animation Industry in China: Managed Creativity or State Discourse. In Michael Keane (ed.) Handbook of Cultural and Creative Industries in China. Chelteham Glos, UK: Edward Edgar Publishing, pp. 276-292. signin

Anthony Fung (2016) Redefining Creative Labor: A Comparative Framework. In Michael Curtin and Kevin Sanson (eds.) Precarious Creativity. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, pp. 200-214. signin

**Anthony Fung and Sara Liao (2015) China. In Mark Wolf ed. Video Games Around the Wolf. Boston. MA: MIT Press, pp 119-135.

Anthony Fung (2015) Gamers, State and Online Games. In Gary D. Rawnsley and Ming-Yeh Rawnsley (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Media. New York: Routledge, pp. 330-340. signin

**Anthony Fung and Vicky Ho (2015) Games Industries in Asia: Toward an Asian formation of game culture. In Larissa Hjorth and Olivia Khoo eds. Routledge Handbook of New Media in Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 377-390. logo-pdf

Anthony Fung (2014) Online Game and Chinese National Identities. In Lorrain Lim and Hye-Kyung Lee ed. Cultural Policies in East Asia: Between the State, Arts and Cultural Industries. Palgrave Macmillan, pp.53-68. signin

Chung, Peichi and Fung, Anthony (2013) Internet Development and the Commercialization of Online Gaming in China. In Nina B. Huntemann and Ben Aslinger (eds.), Gaming Globally: Production, Play and Place. New York: Palgrave, pp. 233-250. signin



On Popular Culture, Youth Culture and Cultural Studies

Jessica Kong and Anthony Fung (2020) The Politicization of Music Through Nostalgic Mediation: The Memory in “Boundless Oceans, Vast Skies.” In Anthony Fung and Alice Chik (eds.), Made in Hong Kong. Global Popular Music Series. London: Routledge, pp. 181-190.

Zhang, Qian and Anthony Fung (2017) Fan Economy and Consumption: Fandom of Korean Music Band in China. In Tae-Jin Yoon and Dal Yong Jin (eds.) The Korean Wave: Evolution Fandom and Transnationality. Lexington Book, pp. 129-143. logo-pdf

Anthony Fung and Gary Tang (2017) Youth and Social Change. In Fanny Cheung and Stephen Chiu (eds.), The Twenty Years of HKSAR. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia Pacific Studies, pp. 487-499. signin

**Yiyi Yin and Anthony Fung (2017) Youth Online Cultural Participation and Bilibili: An Alternative Form of Democracy in China? In Rocci Luppicini and Rachel Baarda eds. Digital Media Integration for Participatory Democracy. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Pp. 130-152. signin

**Anthony Fung and Boris Pun (2017) From Pioneering Amateur to Tamed Co-operator: Tamed Desires and Untamed Resistance in the Cosplay Scene in China. In Alexis Pluos and S Austin Lee (eds.), Transnational Contexts of Culture, Gender, Class and Colonialism in Play. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 81-95. signin

Anthony Fung (2017) Bordercrossing, Local Modification, and Transnational Transaction of TV Dramas in East Asia, In Koichi Iwabuchi, Eva Tsai, Chris Berry. eds. Routledge Handbook of East Asian Pop Culture. London: Routledge, pp 94-101. signin

Anthony Fung, John Erni and Frances Yang (2014) Asian Popular Culture. In Toby Miller ed. Routledge Companion to Global Popular Culture. London: Routledge, pp. 481-491. logo-pdf

Anthony Fung (2014) Online Game and Chinese National Identities. In Lorrain Lim and Hye-Kyung Lee ed. Cultural Policies in East Asia: Between the State, Arts and Cultural Industries. Palgrave Macmillan, pp.53-68. signin

Anthony Fung and Keysook Choe (2014) Boys over Flowers: Class in TV Drama. In Keysook Choe and Soyoung Hoe (eds.), Emotional Society. Pp. 297-330. Seoul: 글항아리 Press (in Korean).

Micky Lee and Anthony Fung (2013) One Region, Two Modernities: Disneyland in Tokyo and Hong Kong. In Anthony Fung (eds.), Asian Popular Culture: the Global (Dis)continuity. New York: Routledge. pp. 42-58. signin

Anthony Fung and Joseph Chan (2010) Towards a Global Blockbuster: The Political Economy of Hero’s Nationalism. In Gary D. Rawnsley and Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley eds. Global Chinese Cinema: The Culture and Politics of Hero. London: Routledge, pp. 198-211. signin

Micky Lee and Anthony Fung (2009) Media Ideologies of Gender in Hong Kong. In Fanny Cheung and Eleanor Holroyd (eds.), Mainstreaming Gender in Hong Kong Society. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, pp. 291-309. signin

Siumi Maria Tam, Anthony Fung, Lucetta Kam and Mario Liong (2009) Re-gendering Hong Kong Man in Social, Physical and Discursive Space. In Fanny Cheung and Eleanor Holroyd (eds.), Mainstreaming Gender in Hong Kong Society. Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, pp. 335-365. signin

Anthony Fung (2009) Online Games, Cyberculture and Community: The Deterritorization and Crystallization of Community Space. In L. Leung, A. Fung and P. Lee (eds.), Embedding into Our Lives: New Opportunities and Challenges of the Internet. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, pp. 189-205. signin

Anthony Fung (2008) Discourse and Cultural Identity: Towards a Global Identity of Hong Kong. In Doreen Wu (ed.), Discourses of Cultural China in the Globalizing Age. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, pp 189-202. signin

Anthony Fung (2008) Learning Hong Kong’s Body: Beauties, Beauty Workers and their Identities. In Kwok-bun Chan, Jans W. Walls, and David Hayward (eds.), East-West Identities: Globalization, Localization and Hybridization. Leiden: Brill, pp. 229-240. signin

Anthony Fung (2007) Media and Popular Culture. Zhumin Lu and Junhan Hong (eds.), Communication. Beijing: Renmin University Press (in Chinese), pp. 177-195. signin

Anthony Fung (2006) Bridging Cyberlife and Real Life: A Study of Online Communities in Hong Kong. In David Silver, Adrienne Massanari and Steven Jones (eds.), Critical Cyberculture Reader. New York: New York University Press, pp. 129-139. signin

Anthony Fung (2006) Idol and Hong Kong Cultural Idol: Deconstructing Kelly Chan’s Fans Culture. In Chun Hung Ng, Eric Ma and Tak Lok Lui (eds.), Hong Kong Culture Research. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press (in Chinese), pp. 175-179.

Anthony Fung (2006) Gender and Advertising: The Promotional Culture of Whitening and Slimming, In Kara Chan (ed.), Advertising and Hong Kong Society, Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, pp. 171-181. signin

Anthony Fung (2003) Marketing Popular Culture in China: Andy Lau as a pan-Chinese icon. In Chin-Chuan Lee (ed.), Chinese Media, Global Contexts. London: RoutledgeCurzon, pp. 257-269. signin

Anthony Fung and Eric Ma (2002) ‘Satellite Modernity:’ Four Modes of Televisual Imagination in the Disjunctive Socio-mediascape of Guangzhou, in Stephanie Hemelryk Donald, Michael Keane & Yin Hong eds. Media Futures in China: Consumption, Context and Crisis. New York: RoutledgeCurzon Press, pp. 67-79. signin

Eric Ma and Anthony Fung (1999) Re-sinicization, Nationalism and the Hong Kong Identity, in Clement So and Joseph Chan (eds.), Press and Politics in Hong Kong: Case Studies from 1967 to 1997. Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, pp. 497-528.



On Global Media and Chinese Media

Zheng, V., & Fung, A. Y. H. (2021). COVID-19, social anxiety, and economic-political crisis in Hong Kong: a public opinion survey's perspective. In Fong, B. Y. F., & Wong, M. C. S. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Public Health and the Community (pp. 150-170). London: Routledge. logo-pdf

Anthony Fung, & Lau, A. H. Y. (2020). The role of mass media in health care. In Fong, B. Y. F., Law, V. T. S., & Lee, A. (Eds.) Primary care revisited: Interdisciplinary perspectives for a new era. Singapore: Springer.

Anthony Fung (2015) Asian Television. In Krin Gabbard ed. Oxford Bibliographies in Cinema and Media Studies. New York: Oxford University Press. signin

Anthony Fung (2015) The Globalization of TV Format. In Kate Oakley and Justin O’ Conner (eds.), Routledge Companion to the Cultural Industries. London: Routledge, Chapter 9. signin

**Anthony Fung, Zhang Xiaoxiao, Luzhou Li (2014) Independence within the Boundaries: State Control and Strategies of Chinese Television for Freedom. In James Bennett and Niki Strange (eds.) Media Independence: Working with Freedom or Working for Free? New York: Routledge, pp. 243-260. signin

Anthony Fung (2014) New Era of Hong Kong Television: Juxtaposing market with politics. In Kim Jeongmee (ed.) Reading Asian Television Drama: Crossing Borders and Breaking Boundaries. London: I.B. Tauris, pp. 101-121.

**Anthony Fung and Luzhou Li (2010) TV Box on the Internet: the Interplay between politics and market in China. In Dal Yong Jin (ed.), Global Media Convergence and Cultural Transformation: Emerging Social Patterns and Characteristics. Hershey, PA: IGI, pp: 327-339.

Anthony Fung (2009) Globalizing Televised Culture: The Case of China. In Graeme Turner and Tinna Jay (eds.), Television Studies after TV. Oxon: Routledge, pp. 178-188. signin

Anthony Fung (2008) Hong Kong Cinema. In Wolfgang Donsbach (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Communications. Malden, MA: Blackwell, various pages. signin

Anthony Fung (2008) Media Consumption and Incomplete Globalization: How Chinese Interpret Border-Crossing Hong Kong TV Dramas. In Youna Kim (ed.), Media Consumption and Everyday Life in Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 83-96. signin

Anthony Fung (2006) Sensationalism in Hong Kong Newspapers. In Hao Xiaoming and Sunanda Datta-Ray (eds.), Issues and Challenges in Asia Journalism. Singapore: Marshall Gavendish, pp. 189-203. signin

Anthony Fung (2005) China Reporting on the US: Ambivalence and contradictions. In Vladmir Schlapentokh and Joshua Woods (eds.), America: Sovereign Defender or Cowboy Nation? Hants, UK: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 91-101. signin

Anthony Fung (2004) Coping, Cloning and Copying: Hong Kong in the Global Television Format Business. In Albert Moran and Michael Keane eds. Television across Asia: Television Industries, Programme Formats and Globalization. London: RoutledgeCurzon, pp. 74-87. signin

Anthony Fung (2003) Media Economics of the Hong Kong press in political transition: Towards a new viable political economy. In Gary D. Rawnsley and Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley. eds,. Political Communications in Greater China: The Construction and Reflection of Identity. Routledge Curzon, pp. 190-214. signin

Anthony Fung and Chin-Chuan Lee (2002) Market and Politics: Hong Kong Press During Sovereignty Transfer, Chinese Communication Studies: Contexts and Comparisons. In Xing Lu, Wensha Jia, D. Ray Heisey and Lucy Lu (eds.), Westport, CT: Albex, pp. pp. 165-177. signin

Anthony Fung (2002) How Is News Made? A Comparison of Analysis of News Production between Qualitative Sociological Approach and Culturalist Tradition, in David Li (ed.) Discourse in Search of Members, Lanham, Maryland: American University Press, pp. 255-271.