School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK - 2015 Greater China Visiting Scholar Programme

2015 Greater China Visiting Scholar Programme



Prof. Chung Wei-wen 鍾蔚文

College of Communication, Chengchi University, Taiwan

Visiting Period : 31/01 - 08/02/2015
Seminar : 追尋傳播工作中的實務智能(1993- ): 再思傳播教育
Date : 03/02/2015


Prof. Guo Huimin 郭惠民

University of International Relations, China

Visiting Period : 30/01 - 10/02/2015
Seminar : 中國公關市場:回顧與展望
Date : 03/02/2015


Prof. Su Hongyuan 蘇宏元

School of Journalism and Communication, South China University of Technology, China

Visiting Period : 31/01 - 06/02/2015
Seminar : 中國大陸大眾文化的復興及其「三俗」
Date : 03/02/2015


Prof. Sun Shaojing 孫少晶

School of Journalism, Fudan University, China

Visiting Period : 02/02 - 08/02/2015
Seminar : 應用傳播研究:問題語境及範式轉換
Date : 03/02/2015


Prof. Liu Tao 劉濤

School of Journalism and Communication, Jinan University, China

Visiting Period : 30/01 - 09/02/2015
Seminar : 作為替代性敘事的記憶:L縣大屠殺記憶的代際傳播史考察
Date : 03/02/2015


Prof. Ma Zhonghong 馬中紅

Phoenix Communication College, Soochow University, China

Visiting Period : 30/01 - 10/02/2015
Seminar : 抵抗已死嗎?——中國大陸青年亞文化現象評述
Date : 03/02/2015


Prof. Chen Xianhong 陳先紅

School of Journalism and Communication, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Visiting Period : 31/01 - 10/02/2015
Seminar : 公關如何影響新聞報導:2001-2010年中國大陸報紙消息來源捲入度分析
Date : 03/02/2015


Prof. Xie Yungeng 謝耘耕

Institute of Arts and Humanities, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

Visiting Period : 02/02  - 08/02/2015
Seminar : 中國大陸輿情研究現狀及發展趨勢
Date : 03/02/2015